Generative AI: Where to from here?
Covered in this webinar:
Allens Head of Cyber, Valeska Bloch, will be joined by Dr Kobi Leins (GAICD), Honorary Senior Fellow of King’s College London and Advisory Board Member of the Carnegie AI and Equality Initiative.
This discussion will focus on:
- what you need to know about, and how to best use, generative AI;
- what organisations should be thinking about from an AI governance perspective; and
- understanding how to best procure AI.
Joined by guest speaker:
- Dr Kobi Leins (GAICD), Honorary Senior Fellow, King’s College London
This session was recorded on Thursday, 15 February 2024, at 12pm.
CPD points
Please read the online learning FAQs to confirm eligibility for CPD points.
Special note for WA lawyers – to satisfy the requirement for CPD in WA the viewing/activity must be completed within 12 months of the session date.
Core area: NSW/VIC/QLD/WA Professional skills
1 hour – 1 CPD point.
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Allens resources
- AI Governance Toolkit for General Counsel and Boards
- Generative AI in practice: a guide for in-house legal teams
- Why everyone is talking about AI safety and cybersecurity
- The AI-generated picture becomes clearer: key legal considerations emerging for generative AI developers and their customers
External resources
Resources that Kobi referred to during the webinar:
- Kobi Leins, So, What is AI?, (Dr Kobi Leins, 2023).
- Helen Stamp, Innovative technologies and the deepening regulatory capture of law enforcement agencies: the Uber Herzberg case study, (University of Notre Dame, 2023).
- Kobi Leins, Anja Kaspersen, Seven Myths of Using the Term “Human on the Loop”: “Just What Do You Think You Are Doing, Dave?”, (Carnegie Counsel, 2021).
- Kobi Leins, Jey Han Lau, Timothy Baldwin, Give Me Convenience and Give Her Death: Who Should Decide What Uses of NLP are Appropriate, and on What Basis?, (School of Computing and Informations Systems, The University of Melbourne, 2020),
- Nancy G. Leveson, Engineering a Safer World: Systems Thinking Applied to Safety, (MIT Press Direct, 2012).