The Allens AI Australian law benchmark

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With thanks to the following experts across our practice groups who formulated the questions and assessed the outputs: Miriam Stiel (intellectual property), Tommy Chen (intellectual property), Valeska Bloch (data privacy), Aveline Orban (data privacy), Dominic Anderson (corporate), Madeleine Hunt (corporate), Robert Walker (competition), Jessica Jane (competition), Andrew Maher (contract law, dispute resolution), Andrew Burns (contract law, dispute resolution), Jay Prasad (tax), Karen Lee (tax), Simon Dewberry (employment), Alana Perna (employment), Nathaniel Jende (real estate), Kelly Rankin (real estate), Nicholas Swart (banking), Flynn O’Byrne-Inglis (banking), Lisa Kozaris (legal technology) and Graeme Grovum (legal technology).

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