Retailer Reliability Obligation
As of 1 July 2019, the 'Retailer Reliability Obligation' (formerly the reliability component of the National Energy Guarantee) has come into force. For more information on the development of the Retailer Reliability Obligation, we have prepared a timeline and produced a number of articles under the resources tab. We have also provided some useful links to the COAG Energy Council website. These resources also include information on the former National Energy Guarantee and the (currently deferred) Emissions Requirement.
On 1 July 2019, the Retailer Reliability Obligation came into effect. The timeline below sets out the progress of the Retailer Reliability Obligation – from its first conception in October 2017 as part of the National Energy Guarantee, to the development of Retailer Reliability Obligation Guidelines.
To be completed:
30 June 2020: The AER publishes the final Opt-in Guidelines
31 July 2020: The AER publishes the final Reliability Instrument Guidelines
30 November 2020: The AER publishes the final Forecasting Best Practice Guidelines
31 December 2020: The AER publishes the final Market Liquidity Obligation Guidelines
31 December 2020: The AER publishes the final Contracts and Firmness Guidelines
31 December 2020: The AER publishes the final Reliability Compliance Procedures and Guidelines
13 October 2017 – The ESB provides initial advice to the Commonwealth regarding the Guarantee
27 October 2017 – AEMC modelling of the Guarantee is released
24 November 2017 – ESB Report on the Guarantee is released
15 February 2018 – The ESB publishes a consultation paper for the draft design of the Guarantee
20 April 2018 – The ESB's high level design proposal and update on the Commonwealth Design elements are presented to the COAG Energy Council
20 April 2018 – The COAG Energy Council agrees that the ESB should progress development of the detailed design of the Guarantee
15 June 2018 – The Draft Detailed Design Consultation Paper are published and associated Commonwealth Elements Paper
22 June 2018 – The Technical Working Papers are released
2 July 2018 – A public forum / webinar is held
6 July 2018 – Last day for submissions on the Commonwealth design elements
13 July 2018 – Last day for submissions on the Draft Detailed Design Consultation Paper
1 August 2018 – Final Detailed Design Papers (Commonwealth design elements and scheme mechanics) released
10 August 2018 – The final detailed design is considered at the COAG Energy Council meeting
14 August 2018 – COAG Energy Council teleconference following Coalition party room meeting
15 August 2018 – Draft legislative amendments to the National Electricity Law are released for consultation
5 September 2018 – Last day for submissions on the pre-conditions for activating the Reliability Requirement
12 September 2018 – Last day for submissions on the draft National Electricity Law amendments
December 2018 – Public consultation on key aspects of the Retailer Reliability Obligation
Late December 2018 – Draft National Electricity Law amending legislation is finalised for introduction to the South Australian Parliament
8 March 2019 – Rule changes for Retailer Reliability Obligation are published
8 March 2019 – 5 April 2019 - Public consultation period on draft Rule changes
3 May 2019 – Final Rule changes for Retailer Reliability Obligation presented to COAG Energy Council
1 July 2019 – Retailer Reliability Obligation commences operation
31 July 2019: The AER publishes the Interim Reliability Instrument Guidelines
30 August 2019: The AER publishes the Interim Market Liquidity Obligation Guidelines
30 August 2019: The AER publishes the Interim Contracts and Firmness Guidelines
20 September 2019: The AER publishes the Interim Forecasting Best Practice Guidelines
23 September 2019: The AER publishes the Opt-in Guidelines Issues Paper
Useful links
- Interim Reliability Instrument Guidelines (31 July 2019)
- Interim Market Liquidity Obligation Guidelines (30 August 2019)
- Interim Contracts and Firmness Guidelines (30 August 2019)
- Interim Forecasting Best Practice Guidelines (20 September 2019)
- Opt-In Guidelines Issues Paper (23 September 2019)
- Introduction of the Retailer Reliability Obligation (1 July 2019)
- Draft Rules and consultation paper (8 March 2019)
- Consultation on Detailed Design issues (5 December 2018)
- Retailer Reliability Obligation Impact Analysis Paper (30 November 2018)
- Retailer Reliability Obligation Draft Legislative Amendments (8 November 2018)
- Draft National Electricity (South Australia) (National Energy Guarantee) Amendment Bill 2018 (15 August 2018)
- Final Detailed Design of the National Energy Guarantee (1 August 2018)
- National Energy Guarantee Final Detailed Design – Commonwealth Elements (1 August 2018)
- National Energy Guarantee Consultation Regulatory Impact Statement (2 July 2018)
- Commonwealth Design Elements Paper – Draft Detailed Design (15 June 2018)
- Draft Detailed Design Consultation Paper (15 June 2018)
- High Level Design Document (20 April 2018)
- Update on Commonwealth Design Elements (April 2018)
- Draft Design Consultation Paper (15 February 2018)
- Stakeholder submissions on the initial Draft Design Consultation Paper