Vietnam merger control guide

Updates to the regime 5 min read

Vietnam’s updated merger control regime took effect from 15 May 2020. The regime substantially expands the scope of transactions subject to the merger filing requirement, capturing more M&A transactions in Vietnam and offshore.

With some important changes on the horizon - including the establishment of the National Competition Commission (NCC) and the proposal for a fast-track review process - we discuss the merger filing requirements, process, recent practice and issues to look out for. 

Covered in the guide

  1. Transactions caught by the Vietnam merger control
  2. Concept of 'control'
  3. Merger filing thresholds and calculation
  4. Merger filing and review process
  5. Penalties, remedies and enforcement

The Linklaters Podcast: Asia Bitesize Antitrust

In this episode of The Linklaters Podcast, Linh Bui from Allens’ Ho Chi Minh City office and Yolanda Hutapea from Widyawan & Partners in Indonesia join Kathleen Gooi in bringing you an overview of the antitrust developments in the ASEAN region. Zooming into Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore, our experts share their insights into the common themes antitrust regulators are actively looking at, including the anti-competitive conduct in the livelihood and digital sectors, as well as the notable features and trends of these very diverse merger control regimes. Listen now and get up to speed with the countries’ latest competition law landscape as they emerge as the key antitrust jurisdictions in Asia.