Profile of Nicholas Ng

Nicholas Ng

Partner, LLB (Hons) BSc GrDipLegPrac

About Nicholas Ng

Nicholas specialises in the procurement, delivery and operation of major infrastructure projects. He acts for project owners, financiers, sponsors and contractors across a broad range of sectors and delivery models, with a particular emphasis on Public Private Partnerships and other major outsourcing transactions.

His experience includes:

  • Forrestfield Airport Link – advising the Western Australian Government on the procurement of the Forrestfield Airport Link project, a $2 billion rail upgrade project.
  • Queensland Motorways sale – acting for Queensland Investment Corporation in its role as vendor in the $7 billion sale of the Queensland Motorways group to a Transurban-led consortium.
  • New Generation Rollingstock Project – advising Qtectic in its successful bid for the $4.4 billion Queensland New Generation Rollingstock PPP.
  • Government Wireless Network – advising the Queensland Government on the procurement of the $400m Government Wireless Network project, a State-wide digital radio communications network, and providing ongoing advice to the project team.
  • Gold Coast Light Rail Project – advising the GoldLinQ Consortium in its successful bid for the Gold Coast Light Rail Project, and providing ongoing advice during the project's delivery.
  • Northern Beaches Hospital – advising a sponsor in its bid for the Northern Beaches Hospital project.
  • Wiri Men's Prison PPP – advising the financiers to the SecureFuture consortium in its successful bid for the Wiri Prison PPP project, one of the first social infrastructure PPPs in New Zealand.
  • Legacy Way Project – advising Transcity JV in its successful bid for the $1.5 billion Legacy Way project, delivered under a DCOM Project Deed, and in delivery of the project.

Nicholas is a Board member of the Infrastructure Association of Queensland.

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