2011-2020 of 4131 results

ACCC conditional interim authorisations
Insight 12 Jun 2020

Since 20 March 2020, the ACCC has granted a number of urgent interim authorisations across a range of industries allowing businesses to collaborate in response to COVID-19. ...

Temporary flexibility introduced for work-bid exploration permits
Insight 12 Jun 2020

The Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources released a new fact sheet, 'COVID-19 Fact Sheet: Work-Bid Exploration Permits' which is effective from 20 April 2020 (COVID-19 Fact Sheet). ...

Insight 12 Jun 2020

The Department of Industry, Innovation and Science (DIIS) is currently reviewing the policy, regulatory and legislative framework for decommissioning infrastructure in Commonwealth offshore waters under the Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2006 (Cth) (OPGGSA). ...

Productivity Commission report on resources sector regulation
Insight 12 Jun 2020

On 24 March 2020, the Productivity Commission released its draft report on resources sector regulation. ...

WA: Greenhouse Gas Emissions Guideline
Insight 12 Jun 2020

The Western Australian Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) has released its finalised Greenhouse Gas Emissions Environmental Factor Guideline (GHG Guideline). ...

WA: Key things you need to know about the proposed changes to the Environmental Protection Act 1986 (WA)
Insight 12 Jun 2020

On 16 April 2020, the Environmental Protection Amendment Bill 2020 (WA) was introduced to the WA Parliament. ...

Insight 12 Jun 2020

In November 2019, the COAG Energy Council released Australia's National Hydrogen Strategy. The Strategy provides a framework for leveraging Australia's significant natural resources and experience with resource development to develop a strong domestic hydrogen sector. ...

New Victoria reforms: enhancing the security of gas supply
Insight 12 Jun 2020

Gas regulation in Victoria is set for major reform after the Government introduced two new bills aimed at enhancing the security of gas supply for the State. ...

Emerging with strength: key considerations for the oil and gas industry
Insight 12 Jun 2020

The future of the gas industry in Australia remains bright. Global demand for gas is projected to grow at a steady rate over the coming decades, driven by growing populations and economic developme ...

Vietnam insolvency guide for directors
Insight 11 Jun 2020

To help management, this Insight explores the insolvency and bankruptcy regulations in Vietnam, as well as the obligations and potential liabilities of management personnel of Vietnamese companies if their companies become financially distressed. ...
