2051-2060 of 4131 results

Targeting net zero: a climate change guide
Insight 27 May 2020

Even in a COVID-19 affected world, climate change remains a material consideration for most businesses. The challenge of reaching net zero by 2050, in particular, will increasingly demand the attention of in house legal and compliance teams. ...

The CDR is coming to the energy sector – have your say now
Insight 26 May 2020

The Australian Government has commenced consultation on the Consumer Data Right (Energy Sector) Designation 2020, which will apply the CDR to the energy sector. Entities should consider the impact of the CDR on their business, including whether they would like to apply to be an Accredited Data Recipient to obtain access to such energy data. ...

Treasurer temporarily amends continuous disclosure laws during COVID-19 crisis
Insight 26 May 2020

The Treasurer has used his emergency powers under the Corporations Act (the Act) to temporarily modify the operation of Australia's continuous disclosure laws. The Treasurer's release states that the changes are designed to enable listed companies to more confidently provide earnings guidance ...

Disclosure of climate-related financial risk: major change is imminent
Insight 26 May 2020

There has been a global proliferation of voluntary reporting standards that companies might adopt with respect to disclosure of climate change-related financial risk. ...

A 'high risk' jurisdiction: climate change and directors' duties
Insight 26 May 2020

Australian law requires certain standards of conduct of company directors, including that directors act in the best interests of the company and exercise care and diligence in performing their role. ...

The big picture: Australia's commitments under the Paris Agreement
Insight 26 May 2020

In December 2015, the parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (the UNFCCC) adopted a landmark agreement to combat climate change and to take steps to shift their economies towards a sustainable, low carbon future (the Paris Agreement). ...

Consumer laws - 'green' marketing
Insight 26 May 2020

Consumers and investors are increasingly conscious of climate change risks, and more demanding of businesses to adopt sustainable business practices. This has led to an increase in 'green marketing', which includes statements about environmental sustainability, carbon neutrality, recycling or impact ...

Shareholder resolutions
Insight 26 May 2020

Shareholders are becoming increasingly aware of climate change risks. Since early 2017, both Australian and foreign companies have faced a wave of climate change-related shareholder activism. Ceres maintains a Climate and Sustainability Shareholder Resolutions Database, which at February 2020 showe ...

Just transition
Insight 26 May 2020

The 'just transition' is frequently used to refer to a framework for a transition to a low-carbon economy that takes into account the associated economic and social costs and opportunities. ...

Carbon farming and the Emissions Reduction Fund / Climate Solutions Fund
Insight 26 May 2020

The legislative regime for the generation of carbon credits from voluntary emissions reduction projects (otherwise known as 'carbon farming') in Australia was first established in 2014. ...
