2491-2500 of 4134 results

Review your IP arrangements: IP exemption from competition laws soon to be repealed
Insight 12 Mar 2019

Section 51(3) of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (CCA), which currently exempts conditional licensing or assignment of IP rights from most of the prohibitions on anti-competitive conduct in the CCA, will be repealed. ...

Protecting Your Superannuation Package - what you need to do, and when
Insight 07 Mar 2019

Recently passed legislation part of a package of reforms designed to protect Australians superannuation savings from undue erosion by fees and insurance premiums introduces a series of important changes that will create challenging implementation timeframes for funds and administrators ...

ACCC announces its annual enforcement priorities; Consultation open for energy sector Consumer Data Right; and ACCC seeks further input from advertising industry.
Insight 06 Mar 2019

In Touch looks at what's been happening in the Australian competition consumer and regulatory world and what it means for your business ...

The Consumer Data Right and energy - what it means and what to do about it
Insight 05 Mar 2019

Following close on the heels of the banking sector Australias energy sector will soon be required to grapple with the implementation of the Consumer Data Right CDR The ACCC has commenced consultation on how the CDR may apply in the energy sector and a CDR bill has been introduced to parliament which ...

Amendments to include insurance claims handling in the definition of 'financial services'
Insight 05 Mar 2019

The Federal Government has released a consultation paper which takes action on Recommendation 4.8 of the Banking Royal Commission's Final Report. If implemented, the handling and settlement of insurance claims will become a 'financial service' under the Corporations Act 2001 ...

ASX Corporate Governance Principles and Recommendations: 4th edition
Insight 01 Mar 2019

The 4th edition of the ASX Corporate Governance Principles and Recommendations focuses strongly on the link between culture, values and community expectations, consistent with the themes that emerged from the Royal Commission. ...

McDonald's gets bite taken out of trade mark portfolio
Insight 28 Feb 2019

The European Union Intellectual Property Office recently revoked the McDonald's 'BIG MAC' trade mark. Associate Emma Gorrie and Summer Clerk Spiro Kalavritinos detail how one of the world's most well-known brands suffered this blow in relation to its namesake product. ...

NZ self-disclosure 'grace period' provisions take effect
Insight 28 Feb 2019

On 30 December 2018, New Zealand introduced a one year 'grace period' for filing a patent application following an inadvertent public self-disclosure of the invention. Associate Claire Gregg takes a closer look at how the new provision protects applicants. ...

Allens advises Brambles on sale of IFCO reusable plastic containers business for US$2.51b
News 28 Feb 2019

The sale to a consortium of Triton and the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority follows a dual track separation process which consisted of running a competitive trade sale, while in parallel, preparing t ...

Allens advises Plenary Schools consortium on refinancing
News 26 Feb 2019

Allens has acted for the consortium since its successful tender for the Project from the Queensland Government in 2013. Over the past five years, the consortium has successfully delivered two ...
