2651-2660 of 4134 results

Yahoo continues to pay the price for its 2014 data breach
Insight 17 Oct 2018

Yahoo has recently come under fire from both the United States Securities and Exchange Commission and the United Kingdom Information Commissioners Office for delays in the disclosure to investors of its 2014 data breach. ...

Data breaches in the healthcare sector: the reality, the costs and how to prevent them
Insight 17 Oct 2018

Data breaches are disproportionately common in the health sector Whats more it is the only sector that has a higher rate of data breaches caused by internal factors such as employee carelessness or misbehaviour than by external threats Health sector data breaches are enabled it seems by the ...

The ACCC's Consumer Data Right Rules Framework
Insight 12 Oct 2018

In preparation for the implementation of the first phase of the Consumer Data Right CDR on 1 July 2019 and fresh off the consultation period for the Federal Governments draft CDR legislation the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission ACCC released the Consumer Data Right Rules Framework the ...

Efficiently, honestly and fairly - overarching and fundamental obligations?
Insight 11 Oct 2018

In his recent Interim Report into Misconduct in the Banking Superannuation and Financial Services Industry Commissioner Hayne makes a lot of the duties of an Australian financial services licensee and an Australian credit licensee to provide financial services or credit activities as the case may be ...

Allens advises APN Outdoor on $1.119bn acquisition by JCDecaux
News 10 Sep 2018

Allens has secured ACCC clearance on behalf of APN Outdoor for its acquisition by way of scheme of arrangement by JCDecaux SA, through which JCDecaux will acquire 100 per cent of the company's issu ...

Competition news
Insight 03 Oct 2018

In Touch looks at what's been happening in Competition this month and what it means for your business ...

Royal Commission: Round 3 - experiences with SME lending
Insight 02 Oct 2018

The third round of the Royal Commissions hearings concerned lending practices to small and medium enterprises SMEs The hearings considered a range of case studies ...

Competition news
Insight 19 Sep 2018

In Touch looks at what's been happening in Competition this month and what it means for your business ...

Close and continuous monitoring - the new ASIC approach of embedding its officers in banks
Insight 19 Sep 2018

ASIC has recently announced a new supervisory approach that involves embedding ASIC officers in the four major banks and AMP ...

A tangled web - the regulatory framework and its power players
Insight 10 Sep 2018

The draft legislation the Federal Government released to establish a regulatory framework for the implementation of a new Consumer Data Right will radically reform the data protection regime in Australia ...
