3371-3380 of 4140 results

Your 'Metadata' as Personal Information
Insight 07 May 2015

In a decision published this week the Australian Privacy Commissioner has clarified that metadata may be personal information when an organisation has the capacity and resources to link that information to an individual Partner Michael Pattison Associate Priyanka Nair and Law Graduate Leah Wickman ...

VCAT advisory opinion outlines limits on recovery of certain landlord outgoings
Insight 07 May 2015

A recent advisory opinion from the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal outlines certain limits on the maintenance repair and compliance costs that a landlord can recover from tenants under Victorian leases particularly retail premises leases Partner John Beckinsale Special Counsel Christine ...

Will .sucks ... suck for your brand?
Insight 05 May 2015

Despite strong criticism of Vox Populis pricing scheme as predatory and exploitative brand owners are paying hefty premiums for early registration in the yourbrandsucks domain string With sunrise registration closing on 29 May 2015 you should now be taking the necessary steps to ensure your company ...

Digital First: Government releases alpha Digital Service Standard
Insight 04 May 2015

The Australian Government has released its alpha Digital Service Standard which establishes criteria that all Australian digital government services must meet to ensure they are simpler faster and easier to use ...

Linklaters Insights: Legal implications of the Greek debt crisis
Insight 30 Jun 2015

After months of political stalemate in negotiations with its creditors to unlock access to bailout funds the Greek government has announced a referendum on proposed bailout conditions an extended bank holiday and the imposition of capital controls ...

Vietnam new real estate laws - key changes for foreign investors
Insight 30 Jun 2015

Vietnam's adoption of the new Law on Land 2013 will have several implications for foreign investors. ...

NSW Budget 2015-16
Insight 29 Jun 2015

A significant suite of infrastructure projects across transport public housing health and prisons as well as new bodies to facilitate their delivery have been announced in the NSW Budget Partner Leighton OBrien and Associate Dennis Smith report ...

Taxing diverted profits
Insight 28 Apr 2015

At the recent G20 meeting in Washington Treasurer Joe Hockey announced the establishment of a working group between Australia and the UK to develop initiatives to address so-called diverted profits involving multinational enterprises What are the implications for multinationals doing business in ...

Court confirms priority to receivership profits
Insight 27 Apr 2015

A Supreme Court of Queensland judgment handed down today has provided greater certainty for secured creditors of companies that earn profits following the appointment of a receiver The judgment dispels suggestions that the law was uncertain and means that secured creditors can continue to fund ...

New guidance on restructuring your workforce in Vietnam
Insight 23 Apr 2015

Dismissing employees whether for under-performance or misconduct has always been a difficult task in Vietnam given the strongly pro-employee labour legislation However the Government has recently issued new legislation in an attempt to level the playing field and create a clearer avenue for ...
