1-10 of 17 results
Allens advises Mitsubishi Corporation on acquisition of Australian Integrated Carbon
AIC obtains carbon credits through human-induced regeneration, a process that involves CO2-sequestrations achieved in the regrowth of Australia's native forests. The acquisition will assist ...
In Touch: attempted cartel on exhibition in relation to National Gallery tender; ACCC takes a bite of Epic v Apple jurisdiction appeal; no take-off for Qantas/Japan Airlines alliance as ACCC proposes to deny authorisation; and other developments
Attempted cartel on exhibition in relation to National Gallery tender; ACCC takes a bite of Epic v Apple jurisdiction appeal; no take-off for Qantas/Japan Airlines alliance as ACCC proposes to deny authorisation; and other developments ...
Linklaters Insight: Japan Offshore Wind (3rd Edition)
Despite the Covid-19 pandemic, the offshore wind industry in Japan recently achieved several significant milestones. Download the latest report from our global partner, Linklaters. ...
Opposition's promise of $1 billion for hydrogen reflects growing optimism
The Federal Oppositions recent announcement of a 11 billion National Hydrogen Plan to support development of hydrogen technologies and hydrogen refuelling infrastructure is only the latest development demonstrating the industrys potential growth Partner Igor Bogdanich Associate Holly Woodcroft ...
Corporate law developments
Welcome to our monthly snapshot of regulatory updates and other developments in corporate law We know you are busy so our focus is on capturing key issues ...
The Japan-Australia Economic Partnership Agreement
Australia and japan have enetered into an economic partnership agreement to reducel tariff barriers on the majority of Australian exports to Japan. In contrast to the recently concluded Korea-Australia Free Trade Agreement, it does not include an investor-state dispute settlement mechanism. ...
Implementing Australia's free trade commitments with Japan, Korea and Chile
The Commonwealth has recently made regulation to implement Australias commitments under its free trade agreements with Japan Korea and Chile which will ease certain foreign investment review and life insurance business regulations for investors from those countries Japan Sector Leader and Partner ...
LNG destination clauses under scrutiny by Japanese competition regulator
Part of the Japanese Ministry of Economy Trade and Industrys strategy for LNG market development which aims to achieve stability in LNG supply and lower prices is to abolish or relax destination clauses with the view that this would lead to lower prices through increased reselling and arbitrage ...
The Asia Region Funds Passport begins to take shape
Its been a busy few months for the development of the Asia Region Funds Passport In late August the Federal Government released exposure draft legislation to accommodate the introduction of the Passport in Australia Once implemented the Passport will allow fund managers from participating economies ...
The beginning of the end of the unit trust's monopoly? A look at corporate CIVs
The Board of Taxations report on tax arrangements applying to collective investment vehicles advocates extending tax neutrality to three additional collective investment vehicles corporates modelled on the Luxembourg SICAV limited partnerships and common contractual funds In this issue we examine ...