91-98 of 98 results

The limits of lawyer-driven litigation
Insight 24 Jul 2014

A recent VSC decision has examined the limits on entrepreneurship by securities class action lawyers ...

Shareholder class actions in Australia
Insight 14 Mar 2017

Class actions are an established and important part of the Australian legal landscape In recent years Australia has become the most likely jurisdiction outside of the United States in which a corporation will face significant class action litigation This evolution has been facilitated by recent ...

Class actions in Australia
Insight 14 Mar 2017

Class actions are an established and important part of the Australian legal landscape In recent years Australia has become the most likely jurisdiction outside of the United States in which a corporation will face significant class action litigation ...

Disclosing privileged documents to regulators
Insight 16 Dec 2016

The case of Cantor v Audi provides insights into what you should consider before providing privileged documents to a regulator. ...

An opportunity for greater certainty for class action defendants
Insight 05 Oct 2016

Class action settlement negotiations are often hindered by uncertainty about the number and identity of potential claimants A recent decision of the Supreme Court of NSW has paved the way for defendants to achieve greater certainty in respect of unregistered class members at an earlier stage than ...

Attorney-General announces class action inquiry
Insight 18 Dec 2017

The Attorney-General has announced that he has asked the Australian Law Reform Commission to inquire into class action proceedings and third party litigation funders The inquiry presents an important opportunity to take stock of how the class actions landscape has evolved particularly whether ...

Finally - a class action regime for Queensland
Insight 17 Aug 2016

Class actions in Queensland are one step closer with the introduction of proposed new legislation into the Queensland Parliament Partner Michael Ilott Special Counsel Robyn Morrison and Senior Associate Suzie Fraser report ...

Babcock & Brown - a market disclosure claim decided
Insight 10 Mar 2015

The Federal Court has dismissed shareholders claims against Babcock Brown alleging failure to disclose market sensitive information The court made important findings on the scope of listed entities continuous disclosure obligations in the context of accounting irregularities and potential insolvency ...
