91-100 of 158 results

Corporate responsibility and anti-corruption legislation in India
Insight 10 Feb 2014

In the past 12 months the Indian Parliament has passed two important pieces of legislation relating to corporate social responsibility and the allegations of corruption made against public servants. How does it affect you? ...

Australian landholder duty: avoid the pitfalls of an ever expanding duty base
Insight 10 Sep 2014

An increased focus on taxing indirect real property transfers has seen the 'land-rich' or 'landholder' duty rules expand significantly over the years, resulting in far more transactions being liable to duty. ...

New opportunities for charities as 'directness' requirement ruled out
Insight 04 Sep 2014

The Federal Court has recently ruled that there is no requirement for a public benevolent institution to provide direct relief to people in need Its interpretation of the expression public benevolent institution theoretically has the potential to expand eligibility well beyond traditionally accepted ...

ASIC on confidential information and briefings
Insight 03 Jun 2014

ASIC recently issued a report on the handling of confidential information by listed entities and their advisers focusing on analyst and investor briefings and unannounced corporate transactions While the report does not identify any systemic issues it does highlight a number of areas of concern ...

New corporate laws to improve doing business in Vietnam
Insight 11 Mar 2015

A new Law on Enterprises aimed at making it easier to do business in Vietnam implements key changes to the regulation of all companies operating in Vietnam and will allow companies greater freedom in the activities they may conduct Partners Linh Bui and Robert Fish Senior Associate Chi Ha and ...

Privacy Commissioner reports on Department of Immigration and Border Protection's data breach
Insight 13 Nov 2014

The Australian Privacy Commissioner has released a report into the Department of Immigration and Border Protection having breached the privacy of asylum seekers in February 2014 Partner Michael Pattison and Associate Priyanka Nair report on the Commissioners findings and the lessons for all ...

ASIC releases paper on collective action by institutional investors
Insight 26 Feb 2015

ASIC has released its consultation paper on collective shareholder actions which calls for feedback on a draft update to Regulatory Guide 128 The consultation paper illustrates ASICs current albeit preliminary views on the tension between fostering increased investor engagement on the one hand and ...

Managing shareholder activism - who is in the driver's seat?
Insight 03 Feb 2015

The recent New South Wales Supreme Court decision of Molopo Energy Limited v Keybridge Capital Limited reflects the continuing growth of shareholder activism in the Australian corporate landscape The case is a reminder that boards need to remain aware of developing activist strategies particularly ...

Linklaters Insights: New board pay rules - are they working?
Insight 29 Oct 2014

FTSE 100 companies have consulted far more widely with their shareholders on board pay and there have been far fewer shareholder revolts on pay as a result These are among the key findings of a Linklaters report analysing how FTSE 100 companies - throughout the 2014 AGM season - have reacted to the ...

Back to a future for employee share scheme options
Insight 17 Oct 2014

After talks of introducing a special tax regime for employee options in start-ups, the Federal Government has reverted back to the global norm of employee options granted by all companies generally being taxed on exercise ...
