101-110 of 629 results

Just in time: the full spectrum of amendments to the Security of Critical Infrastructure regime now passed
Insight 22 Apr 2022

The final anticipated amendments to the Security of Critical Infrastructure Act 2018 (Cth) (SOCI Act) have been passed in the nick of time, making their way through the Senate in its last sitting before the 2022 Federal Election. These latest amendments introduce new and enhanced obligations for risk management programs and security respectively, and the concept of ‘systems of national significance’. ...

Allens advises on financial close of Gold Coast Light Rail Stage 3
News 13 Apr 2022

The $1.2 billion augmentation to the existing public private partnership will deliver a 6.7km extension to the existing light rail network, including eight new stations and additional light rail ...

Number of proposal objectors to be recognised in new planning Bill tabled by Minister Wynne
Insight 29 May 2015

This week the Planning Minister Richard Wynne introduced a Bill to amend the Victorian planning legislation to make the number of objections a planning application receives a relevant factor when considering whether a proposed use or development may have a significant social effect Will this improve ...

Tightening the net: increased director liability for environmental crimes in NSW
Insight 25 Mar 2022

The recently passed Environmental Legislation Amendment Act 2022 (NSW) (the Amendment Act) exposes directors and managers of companies to additional criminal and civil liability for breaches of environmental laws. It is now more important than ever that companies have robust processes in place to ensure they are operating in an environmentally satisfactory manner. It is also critical for directors and managers (and those who advise directors and management) to understand their potential exposure to criminal liability for actions taken (or not taken) by companies. ...

Changes to and consolidation of SEPPs – a S(t)EPP in the right direction or a missed opportunity?
Insight 18 Mar 2022

In this Insight, we examine recent changes to state environmental planning policies (SEPPs), and ask whether they achieve the stated objectives. ...

Allens advises on largest cash takeover in Australian history
News 17 Mar 2022

The now completed acquisition is both the largest cash and infrastructure takeover in Australian history. Valued at approximately AU$32 billion, the transaction was implemented by way of an ...

Beware the stamp duty pitfalls of nominee clauses and resulting trust exemptions – discussion of the Victorian case of Hartman
Insight 11 Mar 2022

The recent Victorian case of Hartman1 demonstrates the potential stamp duty dangers of relying on nominee clauses in transactions involving land (or other dutiable property). The VCAT decision highlights the importance of settling, if possible, on the identity of the ultimate transferee prior to execution of a contract and, above all, the need for developers and other purchasers of land to seek advice before relying on a nominee clause or otherwise seeking to transfer title to a third party. ...

Allens recognised for Deal of the Year and PPP of the Year at global awards
News 09 Mar 2022

Lead partner for both projects David Donnelly acknowledged the teams behind the deals and commended their outstanding work during the uncertainty of the pandemic: 'We're delighted to be recognised ...

Update on the Draft Design and Place SEPP
Insight 01 Mar 2022

The widely anticipated draft Design and Place SEPP has now been publicly exhibited and contains some surprising departures from last year's Explanation of Intended Effects. The question is whether it achieves the goal to ‘simplify and consolidate… good design in NSW'. ...
