101-110 of 137 results

NSW Government to prohibit scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions conditions
Insight 25 Oct 2019

Conditions of development consent regulating scope 3 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions outside Australia will be prohibited under proposed legislation introduced into the NSW Parliament. The draft legislation forms part of a package of measures announced by the Deputy Premier to provide certainty for mining investment, which includes continuing the previously announced review of the Independent Planning Commission (IPC). ...

Latest coal mine decision concludes scope 3 emissions are the end customer's responsibility
Insight 14 Oct 2019

The Rix's Creek Continuation Project has been approved by the NSW Independent Planning Commission only weeks after the refusal of the Bylong Coal Project. In its approval of Rix's Creek, the Commission accepted that scope 3 emissions are the responsibility of the end customer for coal exports. This conclusion significantly departs from the position taken by the differently constituted Commission on Bylong. ...

Climate change features again in latest coal mine refusal
Insight 26 Sep 2019

Last week the NSW Independent Planning Commission (IPC) refused development consent for the Bylong Coal Project (Project). ...

Class actions and emerging issues
Insight 30 Jul 2019

The nature of Australia's class action landscape has fundamentally changed since the outset of the regimes. ...

China's National Carbon Market - one step forward
Insight 26 Apr 2019

Draft legislation revealing the intended coverage and mechanics of China's national emissions trading scheme which is due to commence operation within a year has been released for public consultation until 2 May ...

Climate change reporting - heating up in 2019
Insight 29 Mar 2019

The need for companies to manage and report on climate-change risks is gaining momentum in Australia This is part of a global trend as investors and governing bodies increasingly expect companies to integrate climate risks into their strategy and reporting - yet tools for monitoring and disclosing ...

Climate change reporting - heating up in 2019
Insight 19 Feb 2019

The need for companies to manage and report on climate-change risks is gaining momentum in Australia This is part of a global trend as investors and governing bodies increasingly expect companies to integrate climate risks into their strategy and reporting - yet tools for monitoring and disclosing ...

National Energy Guarantee - the emissions requirement in Australia's carbon policy landscape
Insight 23 May 2018

Following the recent release of the National Energy Guarantee High Level Design Document Partner Jillian Button xand Lawyer Dale Straughen consider how the proposed emissions reduction requirement of the Guarantee will interact with Australias existing emissions reduction policies This article is ...

National Energy Guarantee - Emissions Requirement
Insight 20 Feb 2018

Following the recent release of the National Energy Guarantee draft design consultation paper by the Energy Security Board Partner Kate Axup and Senior Associate Karla Drinkwater report on key aspects of the Emissions Requirement and its interaction with the existing Renewable Energy Target scheme ...

China's National Carbon Market - what to expect
Insight 02 Feb 2018

China will soon have the worlds largest emissions trading scheme emstrongETSstrongem according to announcements made late last year by Chinas state planning agency the National Development and Reform Commission emstrongNDRCstrongem According to the NDRC Chinas national ETS will be operating by 2020 ...
