101-110 of 261 results

Casuals – requirement to provide casuals with a FWO information statement
Insight 07 May 2021

The Fair Work Ombudsman (FWO) has issued guidance regarding the recent amendments to casual employment in the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth). ...

Health and safety duties aren't just owed to workers
Insight 19 Apr 2021

The Department of Home Affairs (DHA) and healthcare provider International Health and Medical Services (IHMS) have been charged with breaching WHS laws following the suicide of a detainee at the Villawood immigration detention facility in March 2019. ...

Appeals court upholds safety ruling and $1 million damages award
Insight 19 Apr 2021

The Western Australian Court of Appeal has confirmed that employers cannot rely only on the experience of their workers to discharge their safety duties, and instead must be proactive in providing training and instruction about safe work methods. ...

Sacking leads to a significant payout
Insight 19 Apr 2021

In a decision showing the importance of not jumping to conclusions, a senior employee was awarded $276,681 in damages after his contract was terminated for alleged serious misconduct – just one working day before he would have been entitled to a redundancy payment. ...

The skinny on the skinny IR Omnibus
Insight 19 Apr 2021

Recent changes to the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) (the FW Act) mean employers should review their casual employment contracts. ...

Don't be too quick to fire your labour hire
Insight 19 Apr 2021

In a reminder of the importance of complying with all redundancy requirements in the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) (the FWA), the Fair Work Commission (the FWC) has held that a labour hire company did not have a valid reason to terminate five mine workers after they were no longer needed on site, as it had failed to meet its consultation and redeployment obligations. ...

Another decision on adverse costs orders in employment class actions: should you expect a 'chilling effect' on employment class action risk?
Insight 15 Apr 2021

Duck v Airservices Australia (No 3) is the latest in a series of cases that have grappled with the intersection of employment class actions, litigation funders and the traditionally 'no costs' jurisdiction of the Fair Work Act. We examine the decision and its potential impacts on employment class action risk. ...

Government releases workplace guidance on COVID-19 vaccinations
Insight 22 Feb 2021

The Fair Work Ombudsman and Safe Work Australia have released guidance on Australia's COVID-19 vaccine rollout. ...

JobKeeper ends in March 2021 
Insight 04 Feb 2021

The Federal Government's JobKeeper scheme is due to be entirely phased out from 29 March 2021. Here we provide an update to our previous Insight in relation to the changes to the JobKeeper scheme. ...

COVID-safe behaviour despite lifting of restrictions
Insight 04 Feb 2021

Following a year of nationwide lockdowns, employers will need to remain vigilant of COVID-19 risks as more businesses start to return workforces to the physical workplace. ...
