101-110 of 120 results

Nudge, nudge, think, think - ASIC and behavioural economics
Insight 01 Apr 2015

In 2014 ASIC started promoting the use of behavioural economics in its regulatory activities Two reports recently released by ASIC provide clues as to how ASIC may try to counteract behavioural biases in the future ...

Retail life insurance advice - ASIC's views on FoFA revealed
Insight 10 Oct 2014

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission released its report reviewing retail life insurance advice yesterday The report provides insights into ASICs views on the Future of Financial Advice FoFA Partner Michelle Levy and Senior Regulatory Counsel Michael Mathieson report ...

Another step towards prudentially regulating conglomerate groups
Insight 18 Aug 2014

The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority has taken another step towards implementing its prudential framework for the supervision of conglomerate groups While it has made some new prudential standards that are specific to conglomerate groups and extended some of its existing standards to such ...

A Commission of Inquiry - of the Royal, not the Parliamentary, kind
Insight 19 Dec 2017

Since the announcement of the Royal Commission into ahem financial services much has been written and said - a lot of which suggests that little attention is being paid to the terms of reference In this article I take a look at those terms ...

Updated guidance on conflicted remuneration and other banned benefits
Insight 07 Dec 2017

Earlier today ASIC released an updated version of Regulatory Guide 246 concerning conflicted remuneration and other banned benefits such as volume-based shelf-space fees The changes are largely to address the life insurance remuneration reforms which take effect on 1 January 2018 But there are other ...

A step closer to industry funding of ASIC
Insight 07 Apr 2017

Last week the Federal Government moved another step closer to implementing an industry funding model for the recovery of ASICs costs by introducing the ASIC Supervisory Cost Recovery Levy Bill 2017 as well as two related Bills into Parliament These Bills implement the recommendations of the ...

Risk culture - 'an evolving area of supervisory practice'
Insight 03 Nov 2016

A director of a bank life company or general insurer who read APRAs recent information paper on risk culture could be excused for indulging in a wry smile Since mid-2015 he or she has been subject to legislative obligations concerning risk culture However the information paper suggests that APRA is ...

The Life Insurance Code of Practice - just a code, or something more?
Insight 07 Oct 2016

The new Life Insurance Code of Practice has much to recommend it The paragraphs concerning policy design are a case in point But is the Code indeed just a code or does it purport to go further ...

Improving the role of the Appointed Actuary
Insight 06 Sep 2016

APRA is seeking to improve the role of the Appointed Actuary in general and life insurance companies and has proposed some reforms in a discussion paper released earlier this year ...

Financial Services Class Actions
Insight 06 Sep 2016

Our class actions team recently published our Class Action Risk 2016 report The objective of the report is to look behind the headlines and hype that often surrounds class actions to provide a more holistic and objective assessment of class action risk for our clients This is particularly important ...
