1301-1310 of 4170 results

More detail on the ESB's proposed capacity mechanism
Insight 14 Jul 2022

With so much recent commentary on the perks and pitfalls of a capacity mechanism, this Insight takes a step back and unpacks what we know about the proposal and what it will look like for both generators and retailers in the future. ...

National Electricity and Gas rules update: June 2022
Insight 13 Jul 2022

In our latest update, we examine the progress of new and existing rule change requests to the AEMC across the month of June, as well as take a closer look at the AEMC's draft report to improve certainty on the delivery of transmission required for the transition to net zero. ...

Allens advises Igneo Infrastructure Partners on the acquisition of Elliott Green Power Australia
News 05 Jul 2022

Under the deal, Atmos Renewables has acquired EGP's portfolio of the Childers, Susan River and Nevertire solar farms with a combined capacity of 302 MW, generating approximately 500GWh of energy ...

Allens advises Liontown on world-class Kathleen Valley Lithium Project
News 01 Jul 2022

With the execution of the third offtake agreement and funding facility with Ford, the Liontown Board made the Final Investment Decision to proceed to develop the project. 'This is a significant ...

The mRNA rush
Insight 30 Jun 2022

There is great potential for mRNA technology to revolutionise future vaccines, and treatment of various conditions such as rare genetic disorders, other infectious diseases and even cancer. The enthusiasm for the technology – or the 'mRNA rush' – is reflected by a spike in patent filings over the past five years, and the growing patent portfolios of key mRNA pioneers and market players. ...

Consultation sought on Queensland's privacy and right to information reforms
Insight 30 Jun 2022

The recently released consultation paper on Queensland's privacy and right to information framework outlines significant proposed reforms. This Insight explains the key suggested changes and their potential impacts. ...

Botox, floor plans and gaming machines – a High Court update
Insight 30 Jun 2022

Three important IP cases are now before the High Court of Australia. They cover a range of key issues and have the potential to clarify Australian law in some key respects, and may have a significant impact on creators and innovators, as well as users of IP. ...

Mic drop – the Federal Court finds infringement of a registered design
Insight 30 Jun 2022

Registered designs are an important, but sometimes overlooked, form of intellectual property. A recent Federal Court decision has reiterated a number of important principles of Australian designs law, and is a timely illustration that registered designs can be a powerful tool to help organisations protect the visual appearance of their products. ...

The great escape: tote bags found not to be works of artistic craftsmanship
Insight 30 Jun 2022

In an appeal decision, the Full Court of the Federal Court of Australia affirmed a decision that a perforated neoprene tote bag was not a work of artistic craftsmanship because functional considerations outweighed visual or aesthetic ones in the design. As a result, once 50 or more of the bags had b ...

Failure to pay patent renewal fee? Advanta can take advantage of extension of time provision
Insight 30 Jun 2022

Advanta Seeds Pty Ltd (Advanta), a broadacre seed company that owns thousands of patents relating to agricultural chemicals, seeds and seed technologies, applied for review of a decision by the Commissioner of Patents refusing its application under s 223 Patents Act 1990 (Cth) (Patents Act) for an e ...
