131-140 of 166 results

ALRC Final Report: 'Serious Invasions of Privacy in the Digital Era'
Insight 10 Sep 2014

The Australian Law Reform Commission has released its long-anticipated final report on serious invasions of privacy The report proposes that a new statutory cause of action be implemented in a new stand-alone Commonwealth Act If adopted the proposal would have far reaching ramifications for ...

Data deal - mandatory data breach notification laws to be introduced as trade-off for controversial metadata retention regime
Insight 05 Mar 2015

The Federal Government in a surprising and highly significant move for companies in Australia has committed to enacting a mandatory data breach notification scheme before the end of 2015 which will apply to all Australian companies currently subject to the Privacy Act The proposal is not limited to ...

Privacy Commissioner reports on Department of Immigration and Border Protection's data breach
Insight 13 Nov 2014

The Australian Privacy Commissioner has released a report into the Department of Immigration and Border Protection having breached the privacy of asylum seekers in February 2014 Partner Michael Pattison and Associate Priyanka Nair report on the Commissioners findings and the lessons for all ...

Ransomware attacks on the rise
Insight 29 Jun 2017

With an upward trend in large-scale ransomware attacks and the number of data breaches reported globally mandatory data breach notification will become law in Australia in February 2018 This will place privacy compliance and cyber security in sharp focus Partner Michael Park Lawyer Samantha Naylor ...

Mandatory data breach notification scheme passed
Insight 13 Feb 2017

The Federal Parliament has today passed the Privacy Amendment Notifiable Data Breaches Bill 2016 which will amend the Privacy Act 1988 Cth to introduce a mandatory data breach notification scheme ...

Landmark Productivity Commission report on data availability and use
Insight 24 Nov 2016

The Productivity Commission has released a landmark draft report on the ability of individuals businesses and government to access and use data in Australia The report criticises Australias historically conservative approach to data use and proposes a fundamental and systematic change to the way ...

Spotlight: Cyber breach at Target
Insight 05 Sep 2017

There's a joke in the cyber security industry that there are two types of companies: those that know they have been hacked, and those that haven't yet found out. In November 2013, Target Corporation in the US learned this the hard way when it was told by law enforcement agencies that it had been sub ...

Directors' duties and cyber resilience
Insight 05 Sep 2017

The Target data breach brought the liability of boards and directors in relation to cyber resilience into focus. Target's shareholders brought litigation against all of its directors, the chief financial officer and the chief information officer due to what was perceived as recklessness and disregar ...

Incoming Notifiable Data Breaches Scheme
Insight 05 Sep 2017

There is no current legal obligation under the Privacy Act to notify either the Privacy Commissioner or affected individuals where you suffer a data breach. However, mandatory data breach notification laws will take effect in Australia from 22 February 2018. ...

NSW to bolster cyber security
Insight 05 Sep 2017

The NSW Government has recently announced a new $11.4 million investment to address emerging technology challenges including cyber security. ...
