1441-1450 of 4170 results

Big batteries – charging up for 2022
Insight 24 Feb 2022

With ARENA's recently announced Large Scale Battery Storage Funding Round and the implementation of targeted regulatory reform on the horizon, investment in big batteries is expected to boom. In this Insight, we look at recent policy and regulatory developments, and highlight some of the key trends we are seeing in the big batteries space. ...

Allens advises on Hills M2 Motorway $815m refinancing
News 08 Apr 2020

Allens advised a lender sydicate of 20+ financiers on the $815m refinancing of the Hills M2 Motorway. The Hills M2 owned by Transurban is a 21km road linking Sydney's lower north shore and north west. ...

Mind your followers' social media manners
Insight 28 Aug 2019

In a recent decision, the NSW Supreme Court, found that a company can be considered a publisher of allegedly defamatory comments posted by members of the public on its Facebook page. ...

GSK-Pfizer consumer health care deal found to be painless; ACCC milks competition in dairy industry; and ACCC inquiries and investigations feature in election policies.
Insight 15 May 2019

GSK-Pfizer consumer health care deal found to be painless; ACCC milks competition in dairy industry; and ACCC inquiries and investigations feature in election policies. ...

Imitation is not always the sincerest form of flattery
Insight 18 Apr 2019

In this issue we examine a patentees ability to enforce Swiss-style claims against makers of bioequivalent products following the Mylan Health decision ...

Farmer fact sheet has a crop of false claims; ACCC cleans up contracts; ACCC quick to launch proceedings against internet speed advertising.
Insight 23 Jan 2019

In Touch looks at what's been happening in Competition this month and what it means for your business ...

Allens advises X-Elio on solar farm planning approval
News 17 Oct 2018

Allens has advised leading global solar farm developer X-Elio Australia on its successful application to develop the utility-scale Congupna solar farm near Shepparton, Victoria. The solar farm was ...

Top 10 things to know about the Consumer Data Right
Insight 10 Sep 2018

This article lists our top 10 'need-to-know's about the proposed framework for the implementation of the Consumer Data Right, including how these key aspects are likely to play out in the banking sector and what it all means for Australian businesses going forward. ...

National Energy Guarantee on hold in favour of interventionist powers
Insight 21 Aug 2018

In a sharp turnaround over the weekend the Government announced yesterday it would not introduce the emissions component of the National Energy Guarantee into Parliament but instead would focus on delivering greater powers to intervene in electricity markets to protect customers from the effects of ...
