141-150 of 311 results

Report: Our look ahead to the private equity market in Australia
Insight 22 Feb 2018

As new funds enter the local market flexible debt funding structures become more prevalent and sponsors are forced to deploy capital in more innovative ways we expect the Australian PE market to continue to grow Private Equity Horizons 2018 reviews the PE market and looks at the trends and sectors ...

2018-19 Federal Budget - superannuation
Insight 15 May 2018

The 2018-19 Federal Budget has introduced a number of proposed superannuation-related changes, with a focus on protecting small balances, young members and existing retirees. ...

CCIVs: Lost in translation?
Insight 09 Apr 2018

The long-awaited Exposure Draft containing the tax treatment of the proposed new corporate collective investment vehicle has been released for consultation. ...

Asia Region Funds Passport Bill introduced
Insight 06 Apr 2018

After extensive consultation the Corporations Amendment Asia Region Funds Passport Bill was introduced into Parliament delivering on Australia's commitment as set out in the Asian Region Funds Passports Memorandum ...

ASIC's guidance on conflicts in vertically integrated funds-management businesses
Insight 24 Mar 2016

ASIC has released a report looking at the way vertically integrated funds management businesses deal with conflicts of interest The report summarises the findings of ASICs recent review of a number of businesses and sets out some good practice recommendations Partner Marc Kemp and Senior Associate ...

Productivity Commission kicks off inquiry into superannuation
Insight 17 Mar 2016

The Productivity Commission has released an issues paper inviting submissions on the criteria that should be used to assess the efficiency and competitiveness of Australias superannuation system This will be of interest not only to superannuation trustees but also to service providers including fund ...

New AMIT rules
Insight 15 Dec 2015

New legislation has been introduced into Federal Parliament that will replace the existing taxation regime for trusts which qualify as Attribution Managed Investment Trusts Partner Charles Armitage and Managing Associate Judith Taylor look at what is different from the original Exposure Draft ...

Infrastructure investment in Australia - the road ahead for institutional investors
Insight 11 Dec 2017

With large-scale privatisations slowing and intense competition for assets that do come to market institutional investors are looking to non-traditional assets to provide similar long-term stable and predictable returns ...

The Asia Region Funds Passport begins to take shape
Insight 17 Oct 2017

Its been a busy few months for the development of the Asia Region Funds Passport In late August the Federal Government released exposure draft legislation to accommodate the introduction of the Passport in Australia Once implemented the Passport will allow fund managers from participating economies ...

New corporate collective investment vehicle exposure draft legislation released
Insight 25 Aug 2017

The Federal Government today released exposure draft legislation for the new corporate collective investment vehicle one of the two forms of collective investment vehicle that it pledged to develop as part of the 2016-2017 budget Partners Marc Kemp and Charles Armitage and Senior Overseas ...
