141-150 of 270 results

Insolvency Law Reform Bill - harmonisation not radical reform
Insight 27 Nov 2014

The Federal Government has released its package of reforms to Australia's personal and corporate insolvency laws which Includes a draft Bill that proposes to streamline the regulatory framework applying to insolvency practitioners ...

NSW rewrites regulation of private water and sewage infrastructure
Insight 26 Nov 2014

New legislation makes important changes to the regulatory scheme applying to private water and sewage infrastructure in NSW In particular the reforms change the way in which water infrastructure is approved and licenced by the NSW Government Partner Andrew Mansour and Lawyer Jerome Entwisle discuss ...

Investor-state dispute settlement and the China-Australia Free Trade Agreement
Insight 21 Nov 2014

The Australian and Chinese governments have concluded negotiations on a free trade agreement that will reduce tariff barriers on the majority of Australian exports to China The Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade has confirmed that the treaty will include an investor-state dispute ...

The China-Australia Free Trade Agreement
Insight 21 Nov 2014

After almost 10 years of negotiations between the nations on 17 November 2014 Prime Minister Abbott and President Xi announced the conclusion of negotiations on the China Australia Free Trade Agreement ChAFTA Once implemented the ChAFTA is expected to significantly reduce import barriers for ...

Senate passes Emissions Reduction Fund legislation
Insight 10 Nov 2014

The Senate has passed legislation for the establishment of an emissions reduction fund to purchase carbon abatement ...

Victorian Government releases major energy sector statement
Insight 03 Nov 2014

The Victorian Government has issued a statement setting out its view of the states strategic objectives for the energy sector and the Governments energy priorities Energy Resources Infrastructure Partner and Government Sector Leader Paul Kenny and Associate Monique Donato provide an overview ...

Market-led Proposals Guideline - a new framework for assessing unsolicited proposals in Victoria
Insight 27 Feb 2015

The Victorian Government has released new guidelines that provide the framework for how it will assess unsolicited proposals from the private sector, but the key issues remain the same: timing, uniqueness, value for money, and confidentiality/intellectual property protection. ...

What does the change of government mean for Queensland's energy and resources sector?
Insight 13 Feb 2015

With the results of the Queensland election having now been declared and the Labor Party invited to form government with the support of an independent Partner Ben Zillmann Managing Associate John Hedge and Associate Andrea Moffatt look at the key policies announced by Labor before the election that ...

Broader reform themes evident in ASIC's forestry schemes submission
Insight 22 Oct 2014

ASICs Senate submission on forestry schemes has emphasised important regulatory reform themes with implications for managed investment schemes and financial services regulation more generally Partner Marc Kemp Consultant Derek Heath and Lawyer Patrick Boyle report ...

Major changes proposed to environmental regulation in Queensland
Insight 24 Sep 2014

The Queensland Government has introduced amending legislation that will result in new flexibility new obligations and higher penalties in relation to environmental regulation in Queensland Partner Bill McCredie and Senior Associate Gobind Kalsi report ...
