1601-1610 of 4170 results

A glimpse into the future of electricity capacity markets: ESB 2025 NEM reforms
Insight 05 Oct 2021

With many of the key capacity mechanism design elements yet to be resolved, we take the opportunity to explore the magnitude of the proposed changes via a hypothetical glimpse into the future. What might the electricity market look like in a Physical RRO world, from the perspective of a generator, a retailer and the market? ...

Allens expands infrastructure expertise with appointment of new partner
News 05 Oct 2021

Kip specialises in construction and major projects across the infrastructure, property and energy and resources sectors. She has advised a broad range of clients on various aspects of project ...

Allens advises Healthe Care on sale of surgical business to PEP
News 01 Oct 2021

Healthe Care's surgical hospitals portfolio comprises 12 hospitals and 7 day surgery centres in Australia and New Zealand, which together provide a diverse offering of healthcare services across ...

In Touch: ACCC successfully appeals Employsure Google Ads case; and other developments
Insight 29 Sep 2021

ACCC successfully appeals Employsure Google Ads case; Decathlon fined; ACCC commences proceedings against Mercedes-Benz re Takata airbags; Phoenix Institute ruled to have acted unconscionably; Country Press Australia given the green light to collectively bargain with Google and Facebook; ACCC commences proceedings against Telstra, Optus and TPG re NBN speeds ...

APRA releases the final version of Prudential Standard CPS 511 (Remuneration) with further regulation of remuneration disclosures to follow
Insight 28 Sep 2021

APRA has released the final version of its prudential standard on remuneration (CPS 511), seeking to regulate incentive structures across all APRA-regulated entities. ...

Retirement income covenant – one step closer to reality
Insight 28 Sep 2021

The proposal for a specific covenant requiring super trustees to formulate, and give effect to, a retirement income strategy for members was first announced as part of the 2018-19 Federal Budget, and slated to be introduced into the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993 (Cth) (SIS Act) by 1 July 2020. ...

Transmission access: from COGATI to CMM (REZ)
Insight 28 Sep 2021

We examine the CMM(REZ) proposal and how it differs from today's system. We also compare and contrast it with previous proposals mooted in the AEMC's Coordination of Generation and Transmission Investment (COGATI) review ...

FWC allows legal representation for employer in bullying hearing
Insight 27 Sep 2021

The Fair Work Commission (the FWC) has allowed an employer, with some in-house employment relations capability, to be represented by a lawyer in a hearing dealing with an application to stop bullying. ...

Record WHS fine of $1 million
Insight 27 Sep 2021

The Department of Defence has been fined $1 million, over a fatality that occurred during a training exercise. According to a Comcare media release, this is the largest penalty ever imposed in the Commonwealth workplace health and safety jurisdiction ...

Employer liable for COVID-related death
Insight 27 Sep 2021

The Personal Injury Commission of New South Wales (the Commission) has found an employer liable for the death of an employee who contracted COVID-19 during the course of their employment. ...
