161-170 of 547 results

Girt by sea: an Australian offshore renewables framework takes shape
Insight 15 Oct 2021

The positive Senate inquiry into the Offshore Electricity Infrastructure Bill 2021 (the OEI Bill) suggests this legislation will be passed shortly. It represents a long-awaited step towards developing a regulatory framework and providing greater certainty for investors in offshore wind farm projects, as well as other forms of offshore electricity infrastructure. ...

Seeking certainty during the energy transition
Insight 12 Oct 2021

There are several recommendations aimed at ensuring readiness for the retirement of ageing thermal generation in the Final Advice on the Post 2025 Market Design of the National Electricity Market (the NEM). In this Insight, we analyse two of the most important, and imminent, reforms. ...

National Electricity and Gas rules update: September 2021
Insight 11 Oct 2021

In our latest update, we examine the progress of new and existing rule change requests to the AEMC across the month of September, as well as take a closer look at the AEMC's introduction of primary frequency response incentive arrangements. ...

Further security of critical infrastructure developments announced
Insight 08 Oct 2021

The Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security (Joint Committee) has recommended that businesses responsible for Australia's critical infrastructure be subjected to expanded governance assistance measures as a matter of urgency. If adopted, the recommendations would see the proposed Security Legislation Amendment (Critical Infrastructure) Bill 2020 (Draft Bill) separated into two bills. ...

A glimpse into the future of electricity capacity markets: ESB 2025 NEM reforms
Insight 05 Oct 2021

With many of the key capacity mechanism design elements yet to be resolved, we take the opportunity to explore the magnitude of the proposed changes via a hypothetical glimpse into the future. What might the electricity market look like in a Physical RRO world, from the perspective of a generator, a retailer and the market? ...

Transmission access: from COGATI to CMM (REZ)
Insight 28 Sep 2021

We examine the CMM(REZ) proposal and how it differs from today's system. We also compare and contrast it with previous proposals mooted in the AEMC's Coordination of Generation and Transmission Investment (COGATI) review ...

National Electricity and Gas rules update: August 2021
Insight 15 Sep 2021

In our latest update, we examine the progress of new and existing rule change requests to the AEMC across the month of June, as well as take a closer look at the AER's Compliance and Enforcement Priorities for 2021-22. ...

Essential Services Commission: new powers on the horizon
Insight 13 Sep 2021

On 7 September 2021, the Essential Services Commission (Compliance and Enforcement Powers) Amendment Bill 2021 (the Bill) was introduced to the Victorian Parliament. The Bill significantly strengthens the Essential Services Commission (ESC)'s compliance and enforcement powers to give effect to the Victorian Government's Energy Fairness Plan. ...

Pathways forward: the ESB's final advice on Post-2025 Market Design released
Insight 09 Sep 2021

The uptake of small and large-scale renewable energy, and the growth of demand-side technologies, has necessitated a new, fit-for-purpose electricity system that can recognise and respond to the changing energy landscape. In this insight, we discuss the key changes from the ESB. ...

Post 2025 National Electricity Market Design
Insight 27 Aug 2021

The COAG Energy Council requested that the Energy Security Board (ESB) consider whether any changes were required to the core National Electricity Market (NEM) framework in order to facilitate the technological shift towards a lower emissions electricity system. ...
