181-190 of 261 results

Employer's attempt to dismiss controversial employee costs $1.2 million in compensation
Insight 21 Nov 2019

The Federal Circuit Court of Australia awarded a professor more than $1.2 million after his employer, a university, used 'cherry-picked' parts of his writings to justify his dismissal. ...

Reputation on the line: the importance of getting award compliance right
Insight 21 Nov 2019

With talk of wage theft becoming a criminal offence, this month's Senate approval of a wage and superannuation theft inquiry, and the increasing number of large employers being named and shamed for underpayments, there has never been a more important time for employers to check they are meeting their obligations – including compliance with modern awards. ...

Allens advises Cerberus on acquisition of specialist SME lender
News 24 Sep 2019

The partnership between Cerberus and the Axsesstoday management team is Cerberus' second successful acquisition in Australia. In 2018, it acquired Bluestone Group's Australasian mortgage lending an ...

Full Court decides what's in a 'day'
Insight 11 Sep 2019

In a decision with far-reaching implications for employers, the Full Court of the Federal Court has decided that employees who work 12-hour shifts spread over a 36-hour week are entitled to 10 days of their shifts each year for personal/carer's leave. ...

FWC finds dismissal for Facebook post unfair
Insight 11 Sep 2019

The Fair Work Commission recently decided that while an employee's Facebook post breached her employment contract and her employer's social media policy, her dismissal was harsh because it didn't take into account her medical condition, her length of service and the lack of any previous performance issues. ...

Mental health issues not a shield against discipline and dismissal
Insight 11 Sep 2019

The Full Bench of the Fair Work Commission decided that an employer's decision to dismiss an employee with known mental illness issues was fair. ...

Biometric scanner dismissal unfair
Insight 11 Sep 2019

In April, we reported on Jeremy Lee being granted permission to appeal after he was dismissed for refusing to use a biometric scanner in the workplace. The Full Bench of the Fair Work Commission has since decided the dismissal was unfair. ...

FWC inserts burdensome annualised wage clauses in modern awards
Insight 30 Apr 2019

The Fair Work Commission (the FWC) has decided that new annualised wages clauses will be inserted in 19 modern awards, impacting how employers administer annual salary arrangements for their award-covered employees. ...

Watch this space – FWC puts a question mark next to biometric scanner dismissal
Insight 30 Apr 2019

In a new and novel case for the Full Bench of the FWC, an employee was given permission to appeal after being dismissed for refusing to use a biometric scanner. ...

Highly paid employee covered by modern award and protected from unfair dismissal
Insight 30 Apr 2019

A recent FWC decision is a reminder to employers that employees who earn more than the high income threshold can still be eligible to bring unfair dismissal claims if they are covered by a modern award. ...
