181-190 of 605 results

In Touch: COVID-19 and competition and consumer law issues; news media bargaining code; Holden compensation; CDR accreditation platform now live; and EB Games to refund customers after not playing fair
Insight 10 Jun 2020

COVID-19 and competition and consumer law issues; ACCC fines Queensland Yoghurt Company; news media bargaining code; Holden agrees to reduce speed of engagement with dealers over compensation; ACCC CDR accreditation platform now live; Voltaren gel decision in Federal Court; and EB Games to refund customers after not playing fair. ...

Even broad governmental powers have limitations - Brett Cattle Company Pty Ltd v Minister for Agriculture
Insight 04 Jun 2020

The decision in Brett Cattle Company Pty Ltd v Minister for Agriculture serves as a timely reminder that there are limits on the exercise of seemingly broad governmental powers, and is especially relevant at a time where governmental powers are being used to respond rapidly to the COVID-19 crisis. ...

Technology Investment Roadmap Discussion Paper: it's all about where to direct public funds
Insight 28 May 2020

In the recently released Technology Investment Roadmap Discussion Paper, the Federal Government puts forward a proposed framework to govern the investment of public funds in the development of new technologies designed to lower emissions. ...

The case for market-led proposals as part of Australia’s COVID-19 recovery
Insight 13 May 2020

Infrastructure will play a vital role in Australia's economic recovery, presenting new opportunities for collaboration between industry and government to develop a pipeline of projects to stimulate the economy. ...

Full Federal Court dismisses ACCC appeal against Pacific National rail merger ruling
Insight 12 May 2020

The Full Federal Court has dismissed the ACCC's appeal against Aurizon's proposed sale of the Acacia Ridge rail terminal to Pacific National. The ACCC is using this outcome to advocate for merger law reforms. ...

In Touch: further ACCC authorisations for businesses cooperation during the pandemic; ACCC releases interim Home Loans Price Inquiry report and fuel industry report; and mandatory Code of Conduct for relationships between digital platforms and media companies
Insight 30 Apr 2020

Further ACCC authorisations letting businesses work together during the pandemic; ACCC releases interim report in Home Loans Price Inquiry and fuel industry report; and mandatory Code of Conduct for relationships between digital platforms and media companies forthcoming. ...

Allens advises Iberdrola on first Australian renewables acquisition
News 27 Apr 2020

The 320MW project will be the first venture in Australia for Iberdrola, one of the world's largest electricity utilities and the number one producer of wind energy in the world. Iberdrola has aroun ...

Allens advises on Hills M2 Motorway $815m refinancing
News 08 Apr 2020

Allens advised a lender sydicate of 20+ financiers on the $815m refinancing of the Hills M2 Motorway. The Hills M2 owned by Transurban is a 21km road linking Sydney's lower north shore and north west. ...
