11-20 of 270 results

Planning reform for housing in NSW – encouraging reforms but is more needed?
Insight 08 Feb 2024

In this Insight, we examine the in-fill affordable housing incentive bonuses, the two-part Transport Oriented Development Program and the proposals to use government land to increase housing supply. ...

Get verified: The Digital ID Bill offering verification efficiencies with increased privacy and security
Insight 20 Oct 2023

An overview of the Proposed Digital ID System under the Digital ID Bill 2023, including its accreditation and participation requirements, increased overlap of privacy obligations and proposed regulatory powers. ...

Federal Government signals broad support for significant Privacy Act reforms
Insight 12 Oct 2023

The Federal Government has agreed or agreed in-principle with the majority of the proposals outlined in the Privacy Act Review Report. ...

First NSW REZ access auction – a guide to LTESAs and access rights
Insight 20 Sep 2023

The competitive tenders for long-term energy service agreements (LTESAs) are underway, forming part of the delivery of the NSW Energy Infrastructure Roadmap by the State Government. This Insight gives a high-level overview of the key terms of LTESAs and the REZ access rights agreements. ...

Understanding the 2023 Queensland Renewable Energy Zone Roadmap
Insight 24 Jul 2023

The Queensland Government has now released a draft Renewable Energy Zone Roadmap (REZ Roadmap) for consultation. The REZ Roadmap is open for consultation until 22 September 2023. In this Insight we provide details on the focus questions and explain how to submit your feedback. ...

Key observations from the Government's review of Australia's corporate insolvency regime
Insight 13 Jul 2023

Key observations from the Government's review of Australia's corporate insolvency regime. ...

Next step in delivering the Queensland Energy and Jobs Plan
Insight 29 Jun 2023

Following the release of the Queensland Energy and Jobs Plan in September 2022, the Queensland Government has revealed draft legislation—the Energy (Renewable Transformation and Jobs) Bill 2023 (Qld). This Insight explores the Draft Bill and identifies key details still to be provided. ...

Federal Court confirms the objective test in assessing apprehended bias by the former Prime Minister
Insight 06 Mar 2023

With the consent of the parties, the Federal Court has quashed the decision of the then Prime Minister Scott Morrison to refuse to extend Asset Energy's petroleum exploration permit, as his decision could be apprehended to have been predetermination following his overt public stance against the proj ...

Navigating the big issues of 2023
Insight 06 Mar 2023

During the recent webinar: 'Navigating the key issues of 2023', the team identified and discussed key issues facing both the Australian economy and policymakers in 2023. ...
