2031-2040 of 4172 results

What are the trade implications of COVID-related government subsidies?
Insight 23 Jun 2020

Members of Australian industry, importers and exporters should consider the impact of government subsidies on their business operations and related anti-dumping and countervailing duty measures or risk. ...

Major changes to Queensland petroleum royalties scheme
Insight 19 Jun 2020

The Queensland Government has announced major reforms to its petroleum royalties regime which will come into force from 1 October 2020. This, and the royalty rates ultimately set, will have implications for the future returns on Queensland petroleum projects. Producers should also review any existing private arrangements that may have relied on the existing wellhead value approach to ensure any unanticipated consequences are resolved prior commencement of the new regime. ...

Allens' submission to the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Corporations and Financial Services Inquiry into litigation funding and the regulation of the class action industry
Insight 19 Jun 2020

Allens has advocated for reform to the class action regime for many years, including by way of submissions to inquiries conducted by the Australian Law Reform Commission and the Victorian Law Reform Commission. We have made a detailed submission to the current inquiry in which we outline our concerns regarding the increasingly entrepreneurial direction of Australia's class action landscape and advocate for (and against) various reforms. ...

Amendments to PNG Mining Act and Oil and Gas Act
Insight 18 Jun 2020

The Parliament of PNG has passed a series of amendments targeting the mining, oil and gas industries. We examine the significance of these amendments and the likely next steps.  ...

ACCC loses 'flushable wipes' appeal due to pleading and evidentiary issues
Insight 16 Jun 2020

The decision in ACCC v Kimberly-Clark Australia identifies pleading and evidentiary issues in the ACCC's case, and provides useful guidance for companies about how courts will interpret product representations and what will be considered the relevant 'context' of representations made in marketing ...

Report: National Electricity & Gas Rules Update: May 2020
Insight 16 Jun 2020

In our latest update, we examine the progress of new and existing rule change requests to the AEMC across the month of May, as well as take a closer look at WA's proposed Access Code changes and how they seek to transform the State's power system. ...

Targeting net zero: climate change is putting governance to the test
Insight 16 Jun 2020

It is a financial imperative to actively navigate the risks and opportunities that the carbon transition presents. It follows, therefore, that corporate strategy in relation to climate risks and opportunities is no longer appropriately housed solely in Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) or s ...

NSW turns up heat on developers of residential apartment buildings
Insight 12 Jun 2020

The Residential Apartment Buildings (Compliance and Enforcement Powers) Act 2020 (NSW) has passed. For developers of residential apartment buildings, we take a look at the key changes and outline the actions you should take next. ...

NSW reforms to fix building defects – potential for indeterminate liability?
Insight 12 Jun 2020

The NSW Government has enacted new legislation imposing new obligations on design practitioners, engineers and builders and sees a fundamental shift in the relationship between these practitioners and owners as part of its reforms to the building industry. For all owners, builders and designers, we examine these changes and outline steps you can take now. ...

Emerging with strength: key considerations for the oil and gas industry
Insight 12 Jun 2020

The future of the gas industry in Australia remains bright. Global demand for gas is projected to grow at a steady rate over the coming decades, driven by growing populations and economic developme ...
