201-210 of 311 results

What does the Government's response to the FSI mean for banks?
Insight 06 Nov 2015

The short answer is it depends on which kind of bank you are The Financial System Inquirys final report and the Governments response mean a lot for ANZ CBA NAB and Westpac particularly given their significant residential mortgage portfolios They also mean a lot for Macquarie As for the rest of the ...

Corporate culture and conduct risk
Insight 06 Oct 2015

Regulators particularly in the UK and Australia are increasingly interested in corporate culture in the financial services industry its impact on the integrity of the system and what the regulators are doing to try to entrench a corporate culture that works for the benefit of consumers and investors ...

The beginning of the end of the unit trust's monopoly? A look at corporate CIVs
Insight 04 Sep 2015

The Board of Taxations report on tax arrangements applying to collective investment vehicles advocates extending tax neutrality to three additional collective investment vehicles corporates modelled on the Luxembourg SICAV limited partnerships and common contractual funds In this issue we examine ...

ASIC - A crackdown on corporate culture
Insight 04 Sep 2015

Corporate culture and its role in shaping conduct within the financial services sector is now clearly at the forefront of ASICs enforcement agenda This focus was apparent in ASICs 2014-2015 strategic outlook released in October 2014 which identified corporate culture as a key risk driver and poor ...

Regulating bonuses: will Australia be next?
Insight 05 Aug 2015

The UKs Financial Conduct Authority and Prudential Regulation Authority released rules in June this year to further tighten what are already fairly onerous restrictions on the payment of bonuses to staff in banks building societies and certain big investment firms The worlds financial regulators ...

Financial System Inquiry: where are we at?
Insight 05 Aug 2015

Federal Treasurer Joe Hockey released the Financial System Inquiry report on 7 December 2014 saying that the report I release today delivers on our election commitment and lays out a blueprint for the financial system over the next decade And he is right - the Government did as promised commission ...

How to avoid anti-money laundering compliance headaches - financial product issues
Insight 03 Jul 2015

Issues of securities interests in managed investment schemes and other types of financial products typically involve a number of designated services under Australias anti-money laundering and counter terrorism financing AMLCTF regime However in the midst of preparing governing documents disclosure ...

Tax musings
Insight 04 Jun 2015

You would need to have been living under a large rock with your hearing aid turned off not to be aware of the current debates raging in relation to tax But it is hard to sort the wood from the trees or the real facts and issues from all the surrounding noise ...

ASIC's enforcement powers may receive a boost
Insight 05 Feb 2015

In preparing its Final Report the FSI has clearly paid close attention to the report of the Senate Economics References Committees Report into ASICs performance and its recommendations designed to strengthen ASIC through a combination of better funding an enhanced regulatory toolkit and higher ...

Murray in a muddle over retirement incomes
Insight 01 Oct 2014

A close reading of the retirement incomes chapter in the interim report of the Financial System Inquiry reveals a series of paradoxes ...
