201-210 of 270 results

Queensland retail energy reform
Insight 27 May 2014

The Queensland Government has introduced legislation to apply the National Energy Customer Framework to the sale of electricity and gas to retail customers in Queensland ...

Abolition of the Victorian Energy Efficiency Target
Insight 26 May 2014

The Victorian State Government has announced the closure of the Victorian Energy Efficiency Target Scheme at the end of 2015 which will remove the annual obligation of large energy retailers to surrender energy efficiency certificates as well as the financial benefits provided by the scheme for ...

Rural leasehold in Queensland now more attractive for investors
Insight 21 May 2014

New legislation in Queensland that implements a range of reforms for leasehold land has been passed and will commence on a day to be fixed by proclamation The reforms will provide greater security of tenure for rural leaseholders and are likely to make such leases more attractive to investors ...

Changes for developing wind farms in Queensland
Insight 09 May 2014

The Queensland Government has released a draft code and guideline that empowers the State to assess and decide any future wind farm projects in Queensland Partner Bill McCredie and Senior Associate Anna Vella look at the Queensland Governments new role and consider the draft code and guideline ...

Australia releases model for implementing the Nagoya Protocol
Insight 08 May 2014

The Federal Government has released a model for the implementation of the Nagoya Protocol that will have major implications for those who use genetic resources and associated traditional knowledge for biodiscovery Partner Sarah Matheson and Lawyer Julieane Bull provide an overview of changes ...

Queensland's coal and CSG overlapping tenure regime getting a makeover
Insight 01 May 2014

The Queensland Government has released proposed changes to the legislative framework for regulating overlapping coal and coal seam gas tenure which has been a vexed issue since the emergence of the coal seam gas industry in Queensland The changes principally reflect the industry proposal in the ...

Investor-State dispute settlement under the Korea-Australia Free Trade Agreement
Insight 06 Mar 2014

In a shift from the previous Australian Governments position a free trade agreement between Korea and Australia which was recently concluded by the new Coalition Government will include investor-state dispute settlement clauses ...

Workplace Relations
Insight 27 Feb 2014

We look at a unions contravention of the general protection laws new legislation that will expand the powers of the federal building industry regulator the Fair Work Commissions ruling on urine testing and its implications for employers a Fair Work Commission ruling affirming reinstatement as the ...

Government abandons some not-for-profit sector tax reforms
Insight 03 Feb 2014

The Federal Government has announced that it will proceed with only one of the backlog of announced but unlegislated reforms to the taxation of charities and other not-for-profit entities proposed by previous governments Special Counsel Glenys Hodges and Lawyer Scott Lang report on the fate of the ...

More certainty for foreign corporations under Alien Tort Claims Act
Insight 28 Jan 2014

Since a landmark decision has narrowed available claims against defendants under the Alien Tort Claims Act for alleged violations of customary international law US courts have sought to clarify exactly what geographical connection is required to justify a claim against corporate defendants Partner ...
