201-210 of 239 results

Gradual steps towards online copyright infringement reform
Insight 19 Mar 2015

Telecommunications industry body the Communications Alliance has released a draft industry code that would introduce a copyright infringement notice scheme for internet service providers ...

Government rejigs electronic health records system with opt-out approach
Insight 21 Oct 2015

The Federal Governments electronic health records system may have a new lease on life following the introduction of a new Bill that attempts to improve the systems effectiveness with key changes such as the transition to an opt-out approach Partner Ian McGill Senior Associate Phil OSullivan and ...

Commissioner threatens to issue higher tax bills
Insight 19 Feb 2016

The Commissioner of Taxation has in a recent Australian Senate Estimates hearing expressed frustration that companies potentially subject to Australias cross-border anti-avoidance laws including the new Multinational Anti-Avoidance Law or MAAL which have documents offshore outside the reach of his ...

The Australian Cyber Security Centre's 2017 Threat Report
Insight 22 Jan 2018

The Australian Cyber Security Centre's 2017 Threat Report addresses the current challenges and emerging trends confronting Australia's digital landscape. ...

How to create a cyber resilient supply chain
Insight 16 Oct 2017

What do the Australian Department of Defence Target Verizon and the Australian Red Cross Blood Service have in common They all suffered massive data breaches linked to a failure in their supply chain These breaches are a good reminder that with so much attention directed at securing your ...

Competition news
Insight 12 May 2017

In Touch looks at what's been happening in Competition this month and what it means for your business ...

A new dawn for crowd sourced equity funding?
Insight 05 Feb 2015

CAMAC and the FSI have acknowledged that the current Australian regulatory settings are hostile to crowd sourced equity funding A recently released Treasury Discussion Paper has considered three options for law reform and what each might mean for the development of this innovative form of capital ...

Fighting to protect Fintech innovations
Insight 03 Dec 2014

The growth of financial services technology or Fintech as it is now called has exploded in recent years yet many of its creators dont realise that their innovations are patentable ...

Predictive coding: the future of electronic document production?
Insight 25 Feb 2016

A recent decision of the English High Court may pave the way for the use of predictive coding in large scale discovery and regulatory investigations in Australia Partners Nick Rudge and Duncan Travis Managing Associate Kate Austin and Associate Emily Giblin look at the benefits and risks of the new ...

Full Court comes down hard on business method patent, but software remains patentable
Insight 21 Dec 2015

In an eagerly awaited appeal decision in emRPL Central v The Commissioner of Patentsem the Full Federal Court has decided that the evidence-gathering method the subject of RPL Centrals innovation patent was a mere scheme abstract idea or business method that did not constitute patentable subject ...
