221-230 of 582 results

Hayne report – first impressions
Issues 11 Feb 2019

Commissioner Hayne's recommendations may initially seem somewhat modest – they do not undo vertical integration, impose limits on executive remuneration or ban bonuses and they do not recommend that directors prefer the interests of their customers. But, while it is true that the recommendations are not radical, there is much in the report that will mean some real changes for financial services companies, their Boards and their executives, as well as for their regulators and advisers. ...

Detailed analysis
Issues 11 Feb 2019

In the Final Report, the Commissioner has found that, for the most part, whilst the legislative tools necessary to protect borrowers are already available, there have been significant shortcomings ...

Round 2: Financial Advice
Issues 11 Feb 2019

In her summary my colleague, Michelle Levy, said her initial reaction was that the recommendations in the Final Report were modest but, on a second reading, some would set a cat among the pigeons. ...

Round 1: Experiences with consumer lending practices
Issues 11 Feb 2019

In the Final Report, the Commissioner has found that, for the most part, whilst the legislative tools necessary to protect borrowers are already available, there have been significant shortcomings in their application and enforcement. ...

Round 5: Superannuation
Issues 11 Feb 2019

Perhaps the biggest issue dealt with in the superannuation hearings is how various forms of conflicts create perverse incentives for trustees to not comply with their duties. ...

The future age of AI
Insight 01 Feb 2019

We will be able to cease speculation on what is in or not in the Final Report of the Financial Services Royal Commission on Monday evening or after whatever time it takes to read and digest ...

Productivity Commission's report on superannuation - an odd mix of recommendations
Insight 01 Feb 2019

The Productivity Commission's report on superannuation has provided an odd mix of reccomendations ranging from uncontroversial to outright bizarre, Senior Regulatory Counsel Michael Mathieson writes. ...

Allens Number One for Project Finance transaction value
News 22 Jan 2019

The Allens team worked with clients across the private and public sectors advising on market-leading transactions including: The sale by the New South Wales Government of a 51% stake in the ...

Changes to the FSC Life Insurance Code of Practice
Insight 20 Dec 2018

Proposed changes to the FSC Life Insurance Code designed to improve standards in product design sales underwriting customer service complaints and claim handling are afoot and the deadline for comments is fast approaching ...

Comments invited on proposed retirement income product disclosure
Insight 20 Dec 2018

Treasury has released a consultation paper on a new proposed simple standardised product disclosure document as part of the Federal Governments framework for Comprehensive Income Products for Retirement ...
