231-240 of 449 results

Green finance
Insight 26 May 2020

Australia's 'green finance' market continues to grow steadily in response to global environmental challenges and to support sustainable development. Innovative financial products continue to be developed to direct capital towards green projects and to promote sustainability causes or ESG-related per ...

The importance of carbon-ready contracts
Insight 26 May 2020

Very few areas of law are more changeable and subject to the political tides as climate change law. A range of Federal and State regulatory schemes and policies relating to greenhouse emissions have been implemented in recent years, some economy-wide and some industry-specific, and some more permane ...

Climate change and project approvals
Insight 26 May 2020

Climate change impacts have for many years been accepted as a relevant consideration in the assessment of planning and environmental applications in Australia. Until recently, the focus of consent authorities has been primarily on the direct greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of a project from owned and ...

Emissions regulation and liability – NGERs and the Safeguard Mechanism
Insight 26 May 2020

The National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting (NGER) scheme requires some companies to account for the scope 1 and scope 2 emissions they are responsible for. Scope 1 emissions are direct emissions for which a company is responsible, whilst scope 2 emissions are indirect emissions from the purchase o ...

Energy efficiency schemes – retailer risk vs business and household opportunities
Insight 26 May 2020

A number of states and territories have established schemes that provide electricity users with incentives to implement energy saving measures and which require electricity retailers to achieve energy saving targets. ...

Transforming the WA energy market
Insight 15 May 2020

In WA, the development of distributed energy resources (DER) technologies and new business models that weren’t contemplated by the current regulatory regime can pose safety and security issues to the South West Interconnected System. The WA Government has addressed these and other issues through various work streams delivered (and anticipated) in 2020, paving the way for a new-look energy future. ...

Report: National Electricity & Gas Rules Update: April 2020
Insight 07 May 2020

In this update we summarise the progress of existing rule change requests across April 2020 and take a closer look at the ESB's discussion paper on the benefits and opportunities of moving to a two-sided wholesale market. ...

Allens advises Iberdrola on first Australian renewables acquisition
News 27 Apr 2020

The 320MW project will be the first venture in Australia for Iberdrola, one of the world's largest electricity utilities and the number one producer of wind energy in the world. Iberdrola has aroun ...

Report: National Electricity & Gas Rules Update: March 2020
Insight 16 Apr 2020

In this update we summarise the progress of existing rule change requests across March 2020 and take a closer look at the AER's review into the values of customer reliability for widespread and long duration outages. ...

Report: National Electricity & Gas Rules Update: February 2020
Insight 01 Mar 2020

In this update we summarise the decision of the AEMC on the calculation of transmission loss factors. ...
