231-240 of 366 results

Brace for the Twitterstorm – US appeals court to decide whether embedded Tweets infringed copyright
Insight 20 Jun 2018

A US district court judge has found that several online publishers infringed copyright when they embedded Tweets featuring a photograph protected by copyright. The decision has now been appealed, and could have far-reaching consequences for online media outlets. ...

Acquiring a business? How to 'transfer' social media accounts
Insight 20 Jun 2018

Our IP team frequently assists with the sale or purchase of a business, advising on the scope of relevant IP to be transferred and how to transfer that IP ...

The Federal Court's first look at enablement and support
Insight 20 Jun 2018

The Federal Court has taken a first look at the enablement and support provisions of section 40 of the Patents Act 1990 (Cth) (the Act) as amended by the 'Raising the Bar' Act 2012 (Cth) (RTB). ...

Has the ATO tolled the bell for demerger and acquisition scheme structures?
Insight 13 Jul 2018

The Deputy Commissioner of Taxation has formally refused a request from AMA Group Limited for demerger relief in connection with a demerger and acquisition transaction involving private equity firm Blackstone casting doubt on the availability of capital gains and income-tax relief for transactions ...

Corporate law developments
Insight 09 Jul 2018

Welcome to our monthly snapshot of regulatory updates and other developments in corporate law We know you are busy so our focus is on capturing key issues ...

Allens advises tech firm Bulletproof on merger
News 07 Jun 2018

Allens has advised cloud services provider Bulletproof Group Limited on its merger with Klikon Group Holdings (AC3). Under the deal, Bulletproof entered into a scheme of arrangement with its ...

Allens advises Unibail-Rodamco as Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield is created
News 12 Jun 2018

Following the announcement of the transaction in December, Allens is pleased to have advised Unibail-Rodamco on its successful acquisition of Westfield Corporation for an enterprise value of US$24. ...

Allens tops trifecta of M&A league tables
News 09 Jul 2018

Allens has topped the Mergermarket, Bloomberg and Thomson Reuters M&A league tables for deal value in the first half of 2018. The firm was ranked number one for deal value in Australasia ...

Allens advises on transformational $1.585bn oil & gas acquisition
News 31 Jan 2018

Allens has advised a syndicate of domestic and offshore lenders on the financing of Beach Energy Limited's $1.585 billion acquisition of Origin Energy's ASX-listed conventional upstream oil and gas ...

Report: Our look ahead to the private equity market in Australia
Insight 22 Feb 2018

As new funds enter the local market flexible debt funding structures become more prevalent and sponsors are forced to deploy capital in more innovative ways we expect the Australian PE market to continue to grow Private Equity Horizons 2018 reviews the PE market and looks at the trends and sectors ...
