241-250 of 723 results

OAIC's landmark case against Facebook to have major implications on Privacy Act
Insight 12 May 2020

As Privacy Awareness Week this year called for individuals to #rebootyourprivacy and debate continues over the privacy protections for the COVIDSafe application, another step has been taken in the Australian Information Commissioner's (Commissioner) landmark case against Facebook, Inc and Facebook Ireland Ltd (together, Facebook) which will have major implications for the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act) and digital businesses operating from offshore entities. ...

Nucleus corporate law developments: rapid legal and regulatory responses to COVID-19 continue; ASX updates temporary COVID-19 class waivers and issues guidance on cancelling dividends; ACCC develops code of conduct for digital platforms and media companies; interim Home Loan Pricing Inquiry report released; and other corporate law developments
Insight 07 May 2020

Rapid legal and regulatory responses to COVID-19 continue; ASIC shifts regulatory and enforcement focus; ASX updates temporary COVID-19 class waivers and issues guidance on cancelling dividends; FIRB releases new compliance-related guidance notes; ACCC develops code of conduct for digital platforms and media companies and releases interim Home Loan Pricing Inquiry report; and temporary amendments made to Fair Work Act and modern awards. ...

The COVIDSafe Bill – good progress, but there's more to do
Insight 06 May 2020

The COVIDSafe app has been marketed as offering privacy 'protected by law'. On Sunday, the Federal Government released an exposure draft of legislation designed to put those protections in place, and to dispel lingering doubts about the app. ...

In Touch: further ACCC authorisations for businesses cooperation during the pandemic; ACCC releases interim Home Loans Price Inquiry report and fuel industry report; and mandatory Code of Conduct for relationships between digital platforms and media companies
Insight 30 Apr 2020

Further ACCC authorisations letting businesses work together during the pandemic; ACCC releases interim report in Home Loans Price Inquiry and fuel industry report; and mandatory Code of Conduct for relationships between digital platforms and media companies forthcoming. ...

Federal Court refuses to order disclosure of class action respondent's insurance policies
Insight 27 Apr 2020

In contrast to a previous decision, the Federal Court has refused to order the disclosure of the respondent's insurance policies to the applicant in a class action. We explore this decision and also highlight the way in which the court's reasoning differed from a prior decision that found in favour of disclosure. ...

COVIDSafe – what we now know
Insight 27 Apr 2020

On Sunday, the Australian Government launched its voluntary digital contact tracing app 'COVIDSafe', along with the app's Privacy Policy, an independent Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) and the Department of Health's response to that PIA. The Chief Medical Officer has predicted that the application will have been downloaded more than 2 million times by the end of Monday. ...

Trace but don't track – Australia's approach to digital contact tracing
Insight 21 Apr 2020

The Australian Government has flagged that Australia's baseline 'social distancing' restrictions may be eased more quickly if, among other things, at least 40% of Australians download and use a new voluntary digital contact tracing app, 'COVID Trace'. The announcement has sparked significant debate ...

Using tech and data in a crisis – contact tracing
Insight 09 Apr 2020

Data analysis, and the technology that facilitates it, is currently playing a critical role in the global and national efforts to combat the COVID-19 pandemic. Alongside the front-line health response, it has become a core part of the daily calculations made by governments and health organisations. ...

Nucleus corporate law developments: rapid legal and regulatory responses to COVID-19; ASIC consults on pre-IPO relief for voluntary escrow and pre-disclosure communications; ACCC outlines enforcement priorities for 2020; and other corporate law developments
Insight 06 Apr 2020

Rapid legal and regulatory responses to COVID-19; ASIC consults on pre-IPO relief for voluntary escrow and pre-disclosure communications; ASX compliance update; FIRB flags potential fee refunds for COVID-19 application withdrawals; and ACCC outlines enforcement priorities for 2020 and permits coordination to respond to COVID-19. ...
