2531-2540 of 4177 results

Major new proposals for regulating personalised medical devices
Insight 14 Mar 2019

Proposed amendments to the regulation of personalised medical devices, which introduce a set of new internationally haromised definitions will have a significant impact on the industry ...

Review your IP arrangements: IP exemption from competition laws soon to be repealed
Insight 12 Mar 2019

Section 51(3) of the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (CCA), which currently exempts conditional licensing or assignment of IP rights from most of the prohibitions on anti-competitive conduct in the CCA, will be repealed. ...

Getting its priorities straight - ACCC's 2019 product safety priorities
Insight 20 Mar 2019

Just in time for World Consumer Rights Day on 15 March 2019 the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission ACCC formally announced its 2019 Product Safety Priorities Partner Miriam Stiel and Senior Associate Julia Taylor explain which issues remain in the hot seat and whats new on the agenda ...

ASIC consultation on fees and costs disclosure reform following expert review
Insight 18 Mar 2019

Its been a long five years or so of amendments to and consultation on the fees and costs disclosure regime for superannuation and managed investments products And industry might be forgiven for feeling a sense of dj vu with the release earlier this year of ASICs consultation paper on the regime ...

Superannuation - 'not a product to be sold'?
Insight 18 Mar 2019

In his typically blunt way Commissioner Hayne declared Superannuation is not a product to be sold As Mr Hodge QC was fond of saying I would like to tease that out a little ...

ASIC's change of tone in action
Insight 15 Mar 2019

ASIC's 'why not litigate?' approach to enforcement activities and its change in tone confirm the new era of regulatory engagement has arrived. In particular, its recent actions in the Federal Court place the waiving of legal professional privilege under the spotlight. ...

'Fairness in Franchising' report: What you need to know
Insight 18 Mar 2019

The Parliamentary Joint Committee on Corporations and Financial Services has completed its inquiry into the operation and effectiveness of the Franchising Code of Conduct the Franchising Code The Committees report recommends 71 wide-ranging recommendations to address perceived power imbalances and ...

Allens advises KKR's Australian Venue Co. on joint venture with Coles
News 18 Mar 2019

Under the joint venture, AVC will operate and receive the economic benefit of the hotels/pubs owned by QVC, currently comprising 87 venues, while Coles will continue to operate and receive the ...

Linklaters Insights: Competition Outlook for 2019: Succeeding in uncertain times
Insight 20 Mar 2019

Dealing effectively with the challenge of rapid technological change from a competition law perspective requires companies to think deeply and plan ahead to work closely and collaboratively with regulators to better understand the dynamic nature of their business and any impacts on competition and ...

ACCC announces its annual enforcement priorities; Consultation open for energy sector Consumer Data Right; and ACCC seeks further input from advertising industry.
Insight 06 Mar 2019

In Touch looks at what's been happening in the Australian competition consumer and regulatory world and what it means for your business ...
