251-260 of 541 results

Government and ASIC announcements for FinTech sector
Insight 23 Mar 2016

There were three announcements this week that will serve to bolster the emerging Australian FinTech sector The Government released a statement in support of FinTech as part of its National Innovation and Science Agenda while ASIC issued two sets of guidance an information sheet for providers of ...

Productivity Commission kicks off inquiry into superannuation
Insight 17 Mar 2016

The Productivity Commission has released an issues paper inviting submissions on the criteria that should be used to assess the efficiency and competitiveness of Australias superannuation system This will be of interest not only to superannuation trustees but also to service providers including fund ...

Defining the objective of superannuation
Insight 09 Mar 2016

The Government released a discussion paper on the Objective of Superannuation today The paper says that the Government will enshrine in legislation the primary objective recommended by the Financial System Inquiry being To provide income in retirement to substitute or supplement the Age Pension ...

High Court decision on retention obligations provides some clarity to liquidators
Insight 14 Dec 2015

The High Court has ruled that a liquidator has no obligation to retain monies on account of tax until a notice of assessment has been issued The decision will provide much needed clarity for liquidators and other statutorily deemed trustees and agents Partners Charles Armitage and Christopher ...

PNG securities laws rewrite
Insight 09 Nov 2015

Those dealing in PNGs capital markets should be aware that the PNG Parliament recently passed a package of legislation to substantially amend and strengthen the regulation of its capital markets The regime will introduce new licensing requirements for those involved in activities such as securities ...

Australia has lifted certain sanctions on Iran
Insight 18 Feb 2016

In response to recent confirmation that Iran has met its international nuclear commitments the Australian Government has lifted all nuclear-related economic and financial sanctions against that country ...

Strangers no more - Taking action against an insolvent defendant's insurer
Insight 16 Feb 2016

The High Court of Australia has decided that a third party claimant can join an insolvent or potentially insolvent defendants insurer to proceedings to seek a declaration that the insurer is liable to indemnify the defendant Partner Andrew Maher and Lawyer Shelley Drenth discuss the decision and its ...

ASIC to seek recovery of investigation costs
Insight 31 Jul 2015

This week ASIC flagged a change in its approach to the exercise of its power to make orders to recover expenses and costs associated with investigations Information Sheet 204 indicates that ASIC will be making greater use of this power to seek recovery of its costs from individuals and companies ...

Linklaters Insights: Legal implications of the Greek debt crisis
Insight 30 Jun 2015

After months of political stalemate in negotiations with its creditors to unlock access to bailout funds the Greek government has announced a referendum on proposed bailout conditions an extended bank holiday and the imposition of capital controls ...

Significant 'blow' for penalties claims
Insight 08 Apr 2015

Today the Full Federal Court clarified the law of penalties as it applies to fees The key development is that in considering whether the amount of a fee is extravagant and exorbitant compared to the potential costs incurred in dealing with a failure to perform an obligation the court held that ...
