2641-2650 of 4179 results

Linklaters Insights: Year in review, Year to come, Australian Law in 2018
Insight 12 Dec 2018

Key areas of focus included law reform in relation to data protection and foreign investment regulation and taxation as well as new laws aimed at protecting critical infrastructure assets and making companies operating in Australia more accountable in some of their business practices and operations ...

A new enforcement landscape for Australian corporations in 2019 and beyond
Insight 10 Dec 2018

The Royal Commission into Misconduct in the Banking Superannuation and Financial Services Industry Interim Report and a raft of announcements at the federal level over the past 12 months point clearly to a more robust enforcement environment for corporate Australia in 2019 and beyond Partner Paul ...

Privatisation in Vietnam
Insight 03 Dec 2018

Vietnam continues to be an attractive destination for foreign investors As well as raising capital from equity investors both Vietnamese and foreign-invested enterprises continue to require foreign debt capital in the form of loans from overseas banks to establish and grow their businesses here ...

Modern Slavery Bill passed - how can your business prepare?
Insight 03 Dec 2018

This Insight considers the key implications of the passing of the Federal Modern Slavery Bill for businesses stakeholders ...

Steps taken to progress Strategic Energy Plan
Insight 27 Nov 2018

The Energy Security Board has developed five key outcomes and a list of objectives for the National Electricity Market, and is seeking industry feedback on the proposed metrics for evaluating market performance against these objectives. ...

The revival of the Retailer Reliability Obligation
Insight 20 Nov 2018

In the wake of the last COAG Energy Council meeting at which it was agreed the National Energy Guarantees reliability component should be progressed new draft legislation gives effect to a Retailer Reliability Obligation Partner Anna Collyer and Associate Luisa Colosimo report ...

Corporate law developments
Insight 14 Nov 2018

Welcome to our monthly snapshot of regulatory updates and other developments in corporate law We know you are busy so our focus is on capturing key issues ...

Report: National Electricity & Gas Rules Update: October 2018
Insight 14 Nov 2018

In this update we look at the the progress of rule changes across the month of October and examine opportunities for stakeholders to participate in the AEMCs new review Updating the regulatory framework for embedded networks ...

Vietnam - draft cybersecurity regulation released
Insight 13 Nov 2018

Following the passing of the controversial Cybersecurity Law in June the Ministry of Public Security recently released for public consultation a draft decree providing detailed guidance on this law The draft contains a number of important clarifications of the localisation requirements applicable to ...

Solar farms in the spotlight - Victorian draft guidelines released
Insight 09 Nov 2018

The Victorian Government has released draft guidelines for the design assessment and development of large-scale solar farms Partner Jillian Button Senior Associate Emily Johnstone Associate Isabella Kelly and Lawyer Zainab Mahmood provide an overview of the guidelines key features ...
