261-270 of 354 results

Final version of Metropolitan Planning Strategy released
Insight 23 May 2014

Following consultation and feedback a final version of the Metropolitan Planning Strategy known as Plan Melbourne has been launched While the focus of Plan Melbourne continues to be on employment cluster locations and urban renewal opportunities there is also a renewed focus in the final document on ...

'One stop shop' environmental approvals a step closer in Queensland and NSW
Insight 19 May 2014

A one stop shop for Commonwealth and state environmental approvals in Queensland and New South Wales is a step closer with the release of draft Approval Bilateral Agreements If implemented as planned Queensland and New South Wales will each become responsible for assessing and approving projects for ...

National Partnership Agreement on Asset Recycling
Insight 14 May 2014

The National Partnership Agreement on Asset Recycling between the Commonwealth and each of the states and territories firmly entrenches asset recycling for the next five years at least In last nights Budget the Federal Budget announced 5 billion will be made available to fund payments to the states ...

Value capture for major transport infrastructure projects discussion paper
Insight 17 Nov 2016

The Federal Government has released the discussion paper foreshadowed in its Smart Cities Plan about how to use value capture to fund infrastructure projects in Australia Infrastructure Transport Sector Leader Leighton OBrien Government Sector Leader Paul Kenny Special Finance Counsel Phillip ...

Special Report: Understanding the opportunities and navigating the legal frameworks of distributed ledger technology and blockchain
Insight 17 Jun 2016

Authored by a multidisciplinary team from Allens Blockchain Reaction is designed to assist business stakeholders decision makers and in-house counsel across a variety of sectors to understand the technology and how it is being used as well as navigate the regulatory and legal opportunities and ...

NSW rewrites regulation of private water and sewage infrastructure
Insight 26 Nov 2014

New legislation makes important changes to the regulatory scheme applying to private water and sewage infrastructure in NSW In particular the reforms change the way in which water infrastructure is approved and licenced by the NSW Government Partner Andrew Mansour and Lawyer Jerome Entwisle discuss ...

Market-led Proposals Guideline - a new framework for assessing unsolicited proposals in Victoria
Insight 27 Feb 2015

The Victorian Government has released new guidelines that provide the framework for how it will assess unsolicited proposals from the private sector, but the key issues remain the same: timing, uniqueness, value for money, and confidentiality/intellectual property protection. ...

The hotel window closes - no vulnerability where a contract exists
Insight 20 Oct 2014

The High Court recently overturned a NSW Court of Appeal decision that stated a building contractor owed a duty of care for pure economic loss for defective work to a successor in title to the developer of commercial premises. ...

New port zone for Geelong, Hastings and Portland
Insight 17 Oct 2014

A new Port Zone has been applied to three major Victorian ports at Geelong Hastings and Portland with announcements that it will make it easier for port operations to expand The Port of Melbourne however is not included in the new zone consistent with the State Governments intention to develop the ...

Major water reform in Queensland to affect all water users with significant changes for the resources industry
Insight 25 Sep 2014

The Queensland Government has introduced amending legislation that will significantly reform all parts of water regulation in Queensland The reform introduces significant streamlining opportunities but also new obligations particularly for those in the resources industry Partner Bill McCredie ...
