261-270 of 300 results

Direct .au registrations, a new internet tax or a way to strengthen the .au market?
Insight 24 Apr 2018

In the most significant change since the .au domain was introduced more than 30 years ago, .au Domains Administration (auDA), the industry body for Australian-specific domain names, has approved the registration of .au second-level domain names, known as direct registration. ...

A tender approach to genetic testing
Insight 22 Feb 2018

The year has got off to a good start for innovators, with the Federal Court providing some assurance that methods of genetic testing continue to be patentable in Australia. But tender news for some can be a tough outcome for others. ...

.news domain string opens up new brand-jacking threat
Insight 14 Aug 2015

The recently delegated news domain string has the potential to impact brand owners universally particularly now that registrations in the news domain string are open for general availability With no eligibility requirements and low registration costs news has a high risk of infringement at the ...

Will .sucks ... suck for your brand?
Insight 05 May 2015

Despite strong criticism of Vox Populis pricing scheme as predatory and exploitative brand owners are paying hefty premiums for early registration in the yourbrandsucks domain string With sunrise registration closing on 29 May 2015 you should now be taking the necessary steps to ensure your company ...

Cleaning company franchisor cleaned up by ACCC
Insight 30 Mar 2015

The Federal Court has awarded a substantial penalty of $500,000 against a franchisor that had contravened both the Australian Consumer Law and the Franchising Code of Conduct ...

Using third party brands in video games: issues and opportunities
Insight 11 Dec 2017

One of the emerging battlegrounds for brand owners is video games, particularly with the growth of virtual reality applications. A recent claim made in the US illustrates how having your brand featured in a video game can be a problem - but depending on the circumstances, it could also present a com ...

Food Law Bulletin
Insight 05 Sep 2014

we look at the ACCCs current enforcement activities on credence claims in food labelling the development of a national information standard for the contentious area of free-range eggs in light of the industrys failure to selfregulate a Federal Court decision that provides some welcome clarification ...

Allens on board for Sydney Trains outdoor advertising deals
News 09 Jan 2014

Allens has advised Sydney Trains on a series of deals, worth $100 million over five years, to grant the rights to sell and install advertisements throughout train stations and on train carriages ...

Assessment of biosimilars - Is Australia leading, following or going its own way?
Insight 26 Oct 2016

The ongoing lack of certainty about what is required to obtain biosimilar registration in Australia extends to three key issues - Comparability is the new product sufficiently similar to permit it to rely on the reference products safety and efficacy data Extrapolation for which of the indications ...

What you need to know about mandatory data breach notification
Insight 11 Dec 2017

In response to the rising number of cyberattacks, new legislation has been introduced that proposes a mandatory notification regime that will take effect from February next year. ...
