261-270 of 286 results

Clues for industry in ASIC'S Strategic Outlook
Insight 24 Oct 2014

ASICs recently published Strategic Outlook outlines its priorities for responding to the key risks it believes will affect investors and gives some interesting clues into what industry participants can expect from ASIC over the next 12 months such as more surveillance of insider trading breaches of ...

Bringing light to the shadows: regulation of the Australian shadow banking sector
Insight 08 Aug 2014

The Financial Stability Board has been working since the GFC to develop a policy framework that mitigates the systemic risks of the shadow banking sector while simultaneously preserving its benefits We examine international developments in shadow banking and the Boards proposed regulatory response ...

Will ASIC shift its regulatory focus from disclosure to suitability?
Insight 04 Jun 2014

The Financial System Inquiry inevitably the Murray Inquiry is the successor of the Campbell Inquiry 1979-1981 and the Wallis Inquiry 1996-1997 Both the Campbell and Wallis reports considered that investors were best protected through disclosure and market integrity rules Both reports assumed that ...

Business risk in international trade and investment
Insight 31 Mar 2017

This insight explores the key questions that Australian boards and senior executives (who maintain oversight of risk and compliance issues) should be asking about the security of their foreign investments in 2017. ...

House of Representatives passes misuse of market power Bill
Insight 29 Mar 2017

The House of Representatives yesterday passed the Governments Bill to broaden the misuse of market power prohibition and the Bill will be introduced to the Senate shortly The Bill as passed removes the mandatory factors the courts would have had to consider in determining whether conduct was ...

Sanctions: The 5 questions your board and executives should be asking in 2017
Insight 16 Mar 2017

Australian boards and senior executives are expected to maintain oversight of risk and compliance issues including bribery, sanctions, human rights and anti-money laundering. ...

The Rolls-Royce bribery case and its implications in Australia
Insight 30 Jan 2017

A Deferred Prosecution Agreement in the United Kingdom which will see the Rolls-Royce company pay more than 500 million to settle charges of foreign bribery is the most significant UK DPA to date It is likely to influence the approach and expectations of the Australian Government and law enforcement ...

Disclosing privileged documents to regulators
Insight 16 Dec 2016

The case of Cantor v Audi provides insights into what you should consider before providing privileged documents to a regulator. ...

The investment chapter of the Trans-Pacific Partnership
Insight 14 Dec 2015

The release of the text of the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement has renewed the debate about the ability of foreign investors to sue governments under investor-State dispute settlement mechanisms which are commonly part of international trade agreements or investment treaties between States ...

Financial products - design and distribution obligations and product intervention powers
Insight 22 Dec 2017

After a considerable gestation period the proposed new design and distribution obligations for financial products, and intervention powers for ASIC, took their first, tentative steps yesterday, with the release of exposure draft legislation. ...
