2731-2740 of 4179 results

Solar farm wins court approval despite conflicts with planning schemes
Insight 27 Aug 2018

The Queensland Planning and Environment Court has approved a solar farm located on good quality agricultural land despite high level conflicts between the proposed development and the provisions of the relevant planning schemes Partner Bill McCredie and Special Counsel Rosanne Meurling review the ...

Vietnam reforms its competition law to bring it up to international standards
Insight 27 Aug 2018

Vietnam has recently voted to replace its Current Law for competition which has been in effect for over 12 years with a New Law The New Law introduces substantial changes to the countrys existing competition framework with lawmakers striving to match Vietnams competition governance to international ...

Video: UN's Big Data-Open Data consultation process: Insights from Professor Joseph Cannataci, UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Privacy
Insight 27 Aug 2018

We recently had the privilege of catching up with Prof Joseph Cannataci the UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Privacy to discuss the UNs Big Data - Open Data consultation process Watch the video for his insights on the rapidly changing global privacy landscape ...

Recent developments in non-executive director remuneration
Insight 22 Aug 2018

Encouraging share ownership by non-executive directors through non-executive director share rights plans is set to increase following a recent ATO class ruling. ...

National Energy Guarantee on hold in favour of interventionist powers
Insight 21 Aug 2018

In a sharp turnaround over the weekend the Government announced yesterday it would not introduce the emissions component of the National Energy Guarantee into Parliament but instead would focus on delivering greater powers to intervene in electricity markets to protect customers from the effects of ...

Report: Proposed changes to the Australian Patents Act, and how they will affect you
Insight 15 Aug 2018

This Insight discusses draft legislation proposing further changes to the Australian Patents Act in response to the Productivity Commissions recent inquiry into Australia's IP arrangement. ...

National Energy Guarantee moves to the next stage
Insight 15 Aug 2018

The COAG Energy Council has voted to progress the development of the National Energy Guarantee by approving the release of the draft National Electricity Law amendments. This Insight considers the next steps towards its implementation. ...

Corporate governance beyond shareholder interests
Insight 14 Aug 2018

The proposed 4th edition of the ASX Corporate Governance Principles amp Recommendations includes substantial changes to Principle 3 Instil the desired culture to focus squarely on social licence to operate with stronger reference to stakeholders beyond shareholders and specific recommendations on ...

Allens' submission to ALRC Class Actions Inquiry - time to revisit the checks and balances
Insight 14 Aug 2018

The Australian Law Reform Commissions Inquiry into Class Actions and Third Party Litigation Funders provides an important and timely opportunity to reflect on the operation of our class actions regime We have made a detailed submission to the ALRCs Inquiry in which we advocated for a renewed focus ...

A new framework for transmission network connections
Insight 30 Jul 2018

The amendments to the National Electricity Rules will provide a new framework for transmission network connections. ...
