271-280 of 605 results

Report: Changes to Australia's IP laws take effect
Insight 31 Aug 2018

The Intellectual Property Laws Productivity Commission Response Part 1 and Other Measures Act 2018 Cth commenced on 25 August 2018 The Act implements various recommendations that the Productivity Commission made in its inquiry into Australias IP arrangements We discuss the key changes ...

Report: National Electricity & Gas Rules Update 2018
Insight 13 Jul 2018

In this final wrap-up for FY1718 we take a look at the new rule change requests draft and final determinations made in the period April - June 2018 as well as track the progress of other National Electricity Gas and Energy Retail Rule changes currently underway ...

2018-19 Federal Budget - superannuation
Insight 15 May 2018

The 2018-19 Federal Budget has introduced a number of proposed superannuation-related changes, with a focus on protecting small balances, young members and existing retirees. ...

What you need to know about the national energy guarantee and demand response
Insight 19 Jun 2018

Following the Energy Security Boards release of the National Energy Guarantee Draft Detailed Design Consultation Paper Partner Kate Axup Associate Mark Leersnyder and Lawyer Mohamed Khairat consider the challenges and opportunities surrounding demand response as an alternative form of dispatchable ...

National Energy Guarantee enters critical consultation phase
Insight 18 Jun 2018

The Energy Security Board has released its Draft Detailed Design Consultation Paper The paper flags some interesting developments from the April high-level design with further detail expected in technical working group papers flagged for release one week into the four-week consultation period ...

Class action and litigation funding review - ALRC grapples with thorny issues
Insight 06 Jun 2018

As part of its current inquiry into class actions and litigation funders the Australian Law Reform Commission has released a discussion paper that is a timely contribution to the long-running debate on the appropriate regulation of class action proceedings and litigation funding In general it ...

New reporting requirements for critical infrastructure
Insight 04 Jun 2018

New reporting requirements for critical infrastructure require the lodgement of information on the Register of Critical Infrastructure Assets before 11 January 2019 ...

International Comparative Legal Guide to Project Finance 2018 - Australia
Insight 25 May 2018

Partners Ben Farnsworth and Michael Ryan outline the main trends and significant developments in Australian project finance Among other factors they discuss restrictions on foreign investment bankruptcy and restructuring proceedings tax and political risk in relation to changes in law ...

Extensive recommendations on security of payment released
Insight 24 May 2018

The Federal Government has released John Murray AMs report into Australian security of payment regimes The Review includes an extensive range of recommendations aimed at achieving legislative best practice and balancing the often competing interests of stakeholders Importantly it makes the case that ...

Time to act on Australia's social infrastructure deficit: new report from Allens
News 06 Jun 2018

Governments must act now to reduce Australia's growing social infrastructure deficit by broadening the market, improving bidding processes and increasing private sector participation, according to ...
