271-280 of 343 results

Competition law update
Insight 08 Apr 2014

In touch: Competition law update is a regular publication by the Allens Competition Law group to keep you informed of the latest news and developments in this area ...

Trade mark owners beware
Insight 28 Aug 2017

The Full Federal Court has put trademark owners in Australia making it clear that when trade mark applications are filed in the incorrect name, the defect is fatal. Accordingly, it is vital that trade mark owners conduct a critical analysis of their trade mark portfolios and ensure that valid rights ...

A new planning regime for Queensland
Insight 03 Jul 2017

A new planning regime for Queensland has come into effect today with the commencement of the Planning Act 2016. ...

Take care! Court confirms the devil in the details for PPSA registrations
Insight 10 Feb 2017

In a recent case a leasing company lost 23 million worth of leased equipment because it had registered the lease against the lessee companys ABN rather than its ACN - involving just two extra digits The equipment vested in the lessee company when it went into voluntary administration The court ...

Registering Indigenous Land Use Agreements - it's all or nothing
Insight 06 Feb 2017

In McGlade v Native Title Registrar, the Full Federal Court has found that the Native Title Registrar does not have the jurisdiction to register an agreement on the Register of Indigenous Land Use Agreements unless the agreement is signed by all registered native title claimants. ...

Finally - a class action regime for Queensland
Insight 17 Aug 2016

Class actions in Queensland are one step closer with the introduction of proposed new legislation into the Queensland Parliament Partner Michael Ilott Special Counsel Robyn Morrison and Senior Associate Suzie Fraser report ...

Predictive coding: the future of electronic document production?
Insight 25 Feb 2016

A recent decision of the English High Court may pave the way for the use of predictive coding in large scale discovery and regulatory investigations in Australia Partners Nick Rudge and Duncan Travis Managing Associate Kate Austin and Associate Emily Giblin look at the benefits and risks of the new ...

What next after FATF's mixed review of Australia's anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing regime?
Insight 11 May 2015

The Financial Action Task Force has released its report on the effectiveness of Australias anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing regime focusing on the extent to which it complies with international standards The reports findings and recommendations come at a key stage in the ...

The year to come for Australia's Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing regime
Insight 27 Feb 2015

Having recently acquired a new CEO and a significant funding boost AUSTRAC is being closely watched by reporting entities for an indication of its future direction and priorities both at the policy and the enforcement level In light of this and with major review reports pending 2015 promises to be a ...

Distressed debt M&A - share transfers without a scheme
Insight 17 Feb 2015

The Supreme Court of New South Wales has given further guidance on the scope of its power to grant leave to a deed administrator to compulsorily transfer the shares of a company The decision in the matter of Nexus Energy Ltd subject to deed of company arrangement 2014 NSWSC 1910 confirms that this ...
