2861-2870 of 4179 results

Propelling city growth: time to act
Insight 06 Jun 2018

Time to act on Australia's social infrastructure deficit: four steps to address the increasing shortfall ...

Make sure your IP doesn't end up in the bin!
Insight 24 Apr 2018

A recent Australian Patent Office decision is a salient reminder to carefully assess the contribution of all those involved in design projects, so as to identify who is an inventor. Failure to do so can have serious consequences down the track, affecting the ownership of an invention and the ability ...

Recent developments in online copyright infringement laws
Insight 24 Apr 2018

A Senate Committee has approved a Bill to expand the safe harbour regime under the Copyright Act and the Federal Government has closed consultation on the effectiveness of site blocking legislation. ...

Direct .au registrations, a new internet tax or a way to strengthen the .au market?
Insight 24 Apr 2018

In the most significant change since the .au domain was introduced more than 30 years ago, .au Domains Administration (auDA), the industry body for Australian-specific domain names, has approved the registration of .au second-level domain names, known as direct registration. ...

Drones – a patent perspective
Insight 20 Jun 2018

The military and high-priced wedding videographers are no longer the only ones actively using drones. Companies from a variety of fields are coming up with innovative uses for drone technologies, and patenting them. Associate Evan Wilcox, aeronautical engineer turned patent attorney, describes a few ...

Brace for the Twitterstorm – US appeals court to decide whether embedded Tweets infringed copyright
Insight 20 Jun 2018

A US district court judge has found that several online publishers infringed copyright when they embedded Tweets featuring a photograph protected by copyright. The decision has now been appealed, and could have far-reaching consequences for online media outlets. ...

Acquiring a business? How to 'transfer' social media accounts
Insight 20 Jun 2018

Our IP team frequently assists with the sale or purchase of a business, advising on the scope of relevant IP to be transferred and how to transfer that IP ...

The Federal Court's first look at enablement and support
Insight 20 Jun 2018

The Federal Court has taken a first look at the enablement and support provisions of section 40 of the Patents Act 1990 (Cth) (the Act) as amended by the 'Raising the Bar' Act 2012 (Cth) (RTB). ...

Comments open for North East Link EES scoping requirements
Insight 31 May 2018

The draft scoping requirements for the proposed North East Link projects Environment Effects Statement have been released and are open for public comment until 12 June 2018 ...

Allens tops trifecta of M&A league tables
News 09 Jul 2018

Allens has topped the Mergermarket, Bloomberg and Thomson Reuters M&A league tables for deal value in the first half of 2018. The firm was ranked number one for deal value in Australasia ...
