21-30 of 34 results

The China-Australia Free Trade Agreement
Insight 21 Nov 2014

After almost 10 years of negotiations between the nations on 17 November 2014 Prime Minister Abbott and President Xi announced the conclusion of negotiations on the China Australia Free Trade Agreement ChAFTA Once implemented the ChAFTA is expected to significantly reduce import barriers for ...

South West settlement agreed to in principle
Insight 03 Feb 2015

The West Australian Government and the South West Aboriginal Land and Sea Council have come to an in-principle agreement in relation to a collective native title claim of the Noongar people The South West Settlement Agreement which should provide greater clarity regarding aboriginal heritage surveys ...

Potential water infrastructure projects identified by the Commonwealth Government
Insight 22 Oct 2014

The Commonwealth Government this week released its Agricultural Competitiveness Green Paper outlining policy ideas for improving water management to meet the future water demands of the agriculture sector The Green Paper sets out principles for Commonwealth involvement in water infrastructure ...

Changes to the rules governing foreign investment in Australian agriculture
Insight 13 Feb 2015

The Australian Government has announced that from 1 March 2015 acquisitions of agricultural land worth more than A15 million and any additional acquisitions over and above that amount will require government approval It will also establish a foreign ownership register of agricultural land ...

ACCC's Enforcement and Compliance priorities for 2017
Insight 27 Feb 2017

Criminal cartels unfair contract terms consumer guarantees and the health construction and agriculture sectors are some of the ACCCs key enforcement and compliance priorities for 2017 ACCC Chairman Rod Sims released the ACCCs 2017 Compliance and Enforcement Policy on Friday 24 February 2017 ...

Korea-Australia Free Trade Agreement: strengthening cross-border investment
Insight 23 Apr 2014

The landmark Korea-Australia Free Trade Agreement is expected to further strengthen the established complementary economic relationship between the two countries, and to provide new opportunities for cross-border investment and trade. ...

Draft NSW Biodiversity Offsets Policy for Major Projects
Insight 16 Apr 2014

The NSW Government has released a draft Biodiversity Offsets Policy for Major Projects that will apply to the assessment of State Significant Development and State Significant Infrastructure Partner Paul Lalich Senior Associate Trent March and Lawyer Dennis Smith consider the implications of the ...

Australia's foreign investment approval (FIRB) regime: what you need to know
Insight 15 Mar 2017

Australias foreign investment approval regime is increasingly a major political issue that is often highlighted and discussed in the media Our foreign investment law experts have summarised the key information you need to know about Australias FIRB regime ...

Will Queensland reform its biodiscovery regime?
Insight 14 Oct 2014

The Federal Government proposed significant changes to the regulation of biodiscovery earlier this year when it released a model for the implementation of the Nagoya Protocol Partner Michael Morris and Associate Julieane Bull report on the potential flow-on effects for Queenslands regulatory regime ...

Allens advises PEP on acquisition of Allied Mills
News 03 Feb 2017

Allens has advised Pacific Equity Partners ( PEP ) on their agreement to acquire Allied Mills, Australia's leading manufacturer of flour, bakery premixes and speciality frozen par-baked bread ...
