291-300 of 605 results

Comments open for North East Link EES scoping requirements
Insight 31 May 2018

The draft scoping requirements for the proposed North East Link projects Environment Effects Statement have been released and are open for public comment until 12 June 2018 ...

One click from meltdown - cyber attacks on critical infrastructure
Insight 03 May 2018

Security experts have been predicting for some time that as critical infrastructure networks become smarter more automated and more connected they will also become more vulnerable to cyber threats Reports last week of extensive attacks on critical infrastructure by hackers associated with the ...

Investigations - ICAC has its wings clipped
Insight 11 Dec 2014

By a two to one majority the NSW Court of Appeal has held that the Independent Commission Against Corruption had no power under the ICAC Act to investigate an allegation to the effect that as a result of conduct involving an alleged intention to pervert the course of justice a public official had ...

Exploring the duty implications of farm-in agreements in Queensland
Insight 09 Dec 2014

The Queensland Government has introduced into Parliament legislation to provide a stamp duty concession for eligible farm-in agreements relating to exploration authorities and transfers of interests in exploration authorities under such farm-in agreements Partner Katrina Parkyn and Associate Jay ...

First phase of new PNG environmental regime may commence as early as next week
Insight 28 Nov 2014

The Papua New Guinea Government has indicated that the first phase of PNGs new environmental regime may commence as early as 1 December 2014 Senior Associate Ryan Warokra reports on the impact the new legislation will have ...

Insolvency Law Reform Bill - harmonisation not radical reform
Insight 27 Nov 2014

The Federal Government has released its package of reforms to Australia's personal and corporate insolvency laws which Includes a draft Bill that proposes to streamline the regulatory framework applying to insolvency practitioners ...

NSW rewrites regulation of private water and sewage infrastructure
Insight 26 Nov 2014

New legislation makes important changes to the regulatory scheme applying to private water and sewage infrastructure in NSW In particular the reforms change the way in which water infrastructure is approved and licenced by the NSW Government Partner Andrew Mansour and Lawyer Jerome Entwisle discuss ...

Investor-state dispute settlement and the China-Australia Free Trade Agreement
Insight 21 Nov 2014

The Australian and Chinese governments have concluded negotiations on a free trade agreement that will reduce tariff barriers on the majority of Australian exports to China The Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade has confirmed that the treaty will include an investor-state dispute ...

The China-Australia Free Trade Agreement
Insight 21 Nov 2014

After almost 10 years of negotiations between the nations on 17 November 2014 Prime Minister Abbott and President Xi announced the conclusion of negotiations on the China Australia Free Trade Agreement ChAFTA Once implemented the ChAFTA is expected to significantly reduce import barriers for ...

Senate passes Emissions Reduction Fund legislation
Insight 10 Nov 2014

The Senate has passed legislation for the establishment of an emissions reduction fund to purchase carbon abatement ...
