3061-3070 of 4179 results

Fact sheet: Crowd-sourced equity funding - can you access it?
Insight 06 Oct 2015

The new Turnbull Cabinet has made clear its intention to support innovation so that Australia can have a thriving economy The Treasury has already done some work in this area releasing a consultation paper on crowd-sourcing equity funding CSEF for startups and small business ...

Workplace Relations
Insight 11 Jul 2016

In this issue we look at a Fair Work Commission decision that highlights the issue of costs in relation to a vexatious claim the consequences for employment law in the wake of the Coalitions return to power and an enforceable undertaking to reimburse a large number of underpaid employees ...

The latest from the High Court on contractual interpretation
Insight 30 Mar 2017

A recent High Court case which addressed the Codelfa rule did not explicitly resolve the controversy as to its application, however may be seen as a further departure from the 'ambiguity gateway' approach. ...

Productivity Commission's proposed alternate default models for superannuation
Insight 30 Mar 2017

In the latest and undoubtedly most significant of its reports into the design of default superannuation arrangements in Australia the Productivity Commission yesterday released its Draft Report in relation to Superannuation Alternative Default Models Partner Geoff Sanders of the Allens ...

NSW imposes stamp duty surcharge on foreign purchasers of residential land
Insight 30 Jun 2016

New South Wales has introduced a stamp duty surcharge of 4 per cent for direct and indirect acquisitions of residential land by foreign purchasers, with effect from 21 June 16. A land tax surcharge of 0.75 per cent will also be imposed on residential land owned by foreign persons, commencing 31/12 ...

Tip sheet: Cyber security
Insight 23 Jul 2015

What should businesses do to avoid minimise or remedy the damage caused by a cyber breach ...

How the UK's Brexit decision could affect you
Insight 20 Jun 2016

This week the UK will vote on whether it wants to remain part of the EU This decision could have global economic impacts and affect your business For instance how will it impact on free trade agreements with Europe and the rest of the world the pace of deals in the UK and the UK regulatory ...

Linklaters Insights: Legal professional privilege
Insight 17 Jun 2016

After months of political stalemate in negotiations with its creditors to unlock access to bailout funds the Greek government has announced a referendum on proposed bailout conditions an extended bank holiday and the imposition of capital controls ...

Registered schemes' constitution
Insight 03 Jun 2016

ASIC has said it will grant relief to assist responsible entities RE of registered schemes to make changes to their constitutions to qualify for the new attribution managed investment trust or AMIT regime without holding a unitholders meeting Partner Marc Kemp and Law Graduate Antonia Ross review ...

Getting The Deal Through: Market Intelligence - Project Finance
Insight 03 Jun 2016

Allens Partners Phillip Cornwell Michael Ryan and Ben Farnsworth were part of the global panel analysing the project finance market including key economies regional analysis and PPPs In Getting the Deal Throughs second annual issue focusing on the global project finance markets Phillip Michael and ...
