301-310 of 605 results

Allens insights: A new framework to assess unsolicited infrastructure proposals in Victoria
Insight 24 Mar 2014

The Victorian Government has recently published guidelines that frame how it will assess unsolicited proposals for infrastructure projects pitched to it by the private sector At a time in the economic cycle where investment in infrastructure is becoming more critical to Australias economic story ...

Queensland Government's state land reform proposals
Insight 25 Jul 2014

The Queensland Government plans a major reform of the state land system to streamline processes reduce regulation and improve service delivery Partner John Beckinsale reports on the possible reforms which are outlined in a recently released discussion paper ...

First steps in Constitutional recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples
Insight 25 Jul 2014

The Joint Select Committee on Constitutional Recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples has released its interim report The report indicates that there is likely to be bipartisan support for constitutional amendments giving specific recognition to Aboriginal and Torres Strait ...

Anti-corruption reforms: a view from the B20 Australia
Insight 25 Jul 2014

Anti-corruption was high on the agenda at the B20 Australia summit recently held in Sydney Allens Partner Rachel Nicolson a director of the UN Global Compact Network Australia and convenor of its Anti-Corruption Leadership Group attended the summit and provides an overview of the issues discussed ...

Running out of time for retirement income reform
Insight 22 Jul 2014

The Government has released a consultation paper on the regulation of retirement income streams It says that the Government wants to encourage the development of more retirement products But this is old news and the paper offers few concrete policy proposals other than in the area of deferred ...

SOPA adjudications in Western Australia - only the applicant can win!
Insight 03 Jul 2014

The Supreme Court of Western Australia has held that under that states security of payment legislation an adjudicator does not have the power to make a determination that requires an applicant to pay the respondent money by reason of any counterclaim raised in the adjudication An adjudicator may ...

Reforms to resource royalty administration and collection in Queensland
Insight 27 Jun 2014

Legislative amendments have been passed in Queensland recently to strengthen the State Governments ability to administer its resource royalty regime Partner Ben Zillmann and Lawyer Giselle Kilvert consider the changes and what they mean for resource companies and importantly their executives ...

Budget wrap - significant infrastructure investment and divestment
Insight 24 Jun 2014

Following last weeks release of the New South Wales and South Australian budgets it is clear that most state and territory budgets handed down since the Federal Budget have shown an alignment with the Federal Governments national agreement on infrastructure investment and asset recycling Partner ...

Introduction of the Emissions Reduction Fund Bill
Insight 23 Jun 2014

The Federal Government has introduced into Parliament legislation for the establishment of its proposed Emissions Reduction Fund which will provide businesses with opportunities to enter into contracts under which the Government pays them for undertaking carbon abatement Partner Grant Anderson and ...

Media control and ownership: (re)starting the discussion
Insight 13 Jun 2014

A policy background paper on media control and ownership released by the federal Department of Communications aims to restart the discussion on media law reform The paper does not draw conclusions or make recommendations but adopts a deregulatory tone Partner Ian McGill Senior Associate Matt Vitins ...
