301-310 of 343 results

Competition law update
Insight 11 Feb 2014

In touch Competition law update is a regular publication by the Allens Competition Law group to keep you informed of the latest news and developments in this area ...

Statutory assumptions for lenders dealing with companies - useful but are they limited?
Insight 03 Feb 2014

This Insight examines the use of statutory assumptions under S129 of the Corporations Act by banks and others, in light of a recent decision of the NSWCA. ...

Proposed reforms to create a consistent proportionate liability regime
Insight 31 Jan 2014

In response to concerns about inconsistencies across various state-based jurisdictions and following a public consultation process the Standing Council on Law and Justice has released revised draft model legislation to reform Australias proportionate liability laws Partner Andrea Martignoni and ...

More certainty for foreign corporations under Alien Tort Claims Act
Insight 28 Jan 2014

Since a landmark decision has narrowed available claims against defendants under the Alien Tort Claims Act for alleged violations of customary international law US courts have sought to clarify exactly what geographical connection is required to justify a claim against corporate defendants Partner ...

Class Action Insights
Insight 07 Apr 2015

The recent settlement of the Great Southern class action raises a number of interesting and important issues not only because the court took the unusual step of publishing its reasons for judgment after the settlement had been announced ...

Competition law update
Insight 26 Mar 2015

In touch Competition law update is a regular publication by the Allens Competition Law group to keep you informed of the latest news and developments in this area ...

Babcock & Brown - a market disclosure claim decided
Insight 10 Mar 2015

The Federal Court has dismissed shareholders claims against Babcock Brown alleging failure to disclose market sensitive information The court made important findings on the scope of listed entities continuous disclosure obligations in the context of accounting irregularities and potential insolvency ...

When is a trust a commercial necessity?
Insight 10 Mar 2015

The High Court has held that the proceeds of a forestry investment scheme were not held on trust for the investors by the operators of the scheme. ...

A series of 'firsts' under the National Electricity Law
Insight 03 Mar 2015

The Federal Court has issued the first court-ordered civil penalties for breaches of the National Electricity Rules demonstrating a willingness to apply an agreed pecuniary penalty negotiated by regulators and respondents This decision is important not just to the energy sector but also to ...

Vietnam Legal Update: New Law on Bankruptcy to take effect in January
Insight 22 Dec 2014

Vietnams new Law on Bankruptcy will take effect from 1 January 2015 bringing in a number of changes including a new definition of bankruptcy Partner Robert Fish and Junior Associates Giang Quang Nguyen and Linh Nguyen look at the most significant features of the new law and note what will differ ...
